31 | Thankful

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The Avengers had defeated both Ivan and Adrian in the penultimate showdown to get to the Green Goblin, both of them sent to a maximum security prison with some of the most highly trained guards in world. Harry was the last to remain, many of the Avengers injured and in recovery from Ivan and the Vulture.

Tony had his suit badly damaged from Vanko, his electric whips slicing effortlessly into his armour. The compound luckily had a workshop where Tony spent multiple days restoring his suit to its former glory. Peter had been itching to join his team in fights again, Tony sheltering him for fearing he would lose him yet again. Restricted from battle too was Y/N, being guarded by Happy and Pepper whilst the team went and defeated the villains.

It was late, possibly eleven or twelve at night when Peter snuck out of the compound. He put on his suit quietly, kissed Y/N softly as she slept and flipped out of the window; determined to take down Harry Osborn. Steve had told the group to wait, unsure of what Harry was capable of. Every time they encountered him, he had new weaponry, new gadgets or new abilities - he was too unpredictable.

Harry had transformed an abandoned lake house into some type of a lair for himself, working on the latest technology for his alter ego. Peter swung from a nearby building, smashing through the glass and landing on his feet. Shards of glass surrounded him as he looked up at Osborn.

"Parker, I thought you were dead," Harry chuckled, turning around in his suit but wearing no mask. He was surprisingly relaxed given the situation. He coughed, his head cowering into the crook of his elbow as he smirked up at Peter.

"Yeah well surprise, I'm alive," Peter retorted, furious at the fact that not only had he created a group of villains that terrorised the city, but he had involved Y/N in his wrongdoings.

"Where's your girlfriend? My bet was she didn't last ten minutes without me, her brain would've self destructed eventually," he said, clearing his throat and wiping he corner his mouth. A discreet smear of blood remained on his lip from when he had coughed prior, his genetic disease becoming more debilitating as the days went on.

"She's safe now that she's back where she belongs. Not manipulated into evil by a fucked up sadist like you," Peter snarled, walking closer to Harry. Harry simply sat down on the desk behind him watching Peter, almost amused at the situation.

"I thought she killed you, if her power was strong enough to wipe out half of Manhattan I would've definitely thought you'd be dead for sure.. Guess your little buddies brought you back to life," Harry said grinning, playing with Peter's emotions.

Peter cocked his head ever so slightly to the side, not understanding what Harry had said. He was told that Vanko killed him, that Vanko's voltage had stopped his heart and sent him flying down the street. Vanko was the one who killed him.

"Oh buddy, you didn't know? Your pretty little bitch of a girlfriend was really the one who killed you. Malicious isn't it? You trusted her, you probably loved her too, and she was the one who didn't give a single shit about you when she electrocuted you," Harry laughed.

Peter stormed forward, jutting his hand foward and grabbing Osborn by the throat. His fingers gripped around his neck tightly and his jaw was clenched as he stared into Harry's eyes.

"Don't you dare say that about her," Peter said deeply, anger fuelling his emotions. He squeezed Harry's neck tighter as the Osborn son just smiled at him.

"This is satisfying for you isn't it Parker? Finally being the big man that nobody ever thought you'd be? Growing up always in the shadows of those around you, never amounting to anything until the sheer fluke that a radioactive spider bit you. But you're not really Spider-Man, you're nothing like him. You hide behind the mask and pretend you're someone that you're not. You're just a scared son of a bitch who knows at the end of the day without the suit you're nobody. It's pitiful, it's pathetic," Harry taunted, a mix of blood and saliva slowly seeping onto his bottom lip.

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