61 | Arrest

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For such a polite and well-respected woman, Pepper Potts knew how to command a room. She also knew how to intimidate even the toughest of men; including the commissioner of the NYPD.

She had received a call from a man who introduced himself as 'Officer Benji Freeman', advising her that they needed to see her down at the precinct. He then followed that by saying he was a big fan of hers and that she was the best 'non-super super hero' there was.

She sighed, hanging up the phone and looking towards her daughter who was spreading multiple college pamphlets across their dining room table. Since returning to Earth only two days ago, they had kept a low profile in their new home. Tony approved of Peppers choice, an entire building of seperate units in Manhattan that had now been converted into one home; their new home.

On the outside it looked like a standard block of townhouses, commonly found in New York. The security on this building however, was even stronger than all of Stark Tower. Pepper took the liberty or redesign a few things, but for the sake of remembering her 'deceased' family - majority stayed the same.

"You okay Pep?" Y/N asked, turning to her as she rubbed her face with her palms. She rolled her eyes and told her that Tony had probably threatened someone and not realised who it was, as he had done previously.

Y/N offered to come with her, knowing that Tony had wound up in police stations quite a few times for being too cocky to the wrong person. To Y/N, it was funny seeing Tony in a holding cell whilst he explained the reasons he shouldn't be detained.

The last time he was taken to the station was because he broke into a hardware store late at night as he ran out of a specific type of bolt in his workshop. When apprehended by the police, he told them, 'I'm stealing for the greater good. Plus I left a tip' - pointing to the hundred dollar bill on the counter.

Tony was tapping his fingers on the table when Pepper and Y/N had arrived, the commissioner apologising to Pepper as she demanded he let her husband go.

"Ma'am, using powers is outlawed now, we can't let him go flying around whenever he wants," the man scoffed, standing in front of the door.

"I understand Commissioner, I assure you it won't happen again under my watch," she smiled, watching the man hand her the key as she opened the door to Tony's holding cell.

"Finally! Someone with an actual brain around here, hey Pepper, how are you going?" Tony grinned, going to wave but being restricted by the handcuffs attached to the table. None other than Peter was sitting next to him, looking down in his lap like a guilty toddler.

"And the boy?" Pepper asked the Commissioner, who explained that the two of them were found in seperate boroughs of New York using their powers.

"You expect me to sit in traffic for forty minutes just to pick up a pizza? I don't think so," Tony scoffed.

"I was literally saving this old woman's cat! It was this fluffy white cat named Marbles and she was really upset right? So I go over and I'm like, 'Hey Lady, what's wrong?' And she points to her cat who's sitting in a gutter pipe on her roof and she's so sad and I couldn't leave this cat there. So I swing up, get the cat, land on the ground and there's guys with guns telling me to get on the ground!" Peter rambled, nervous that he was in a police station holding cell and worried that Aunt May would be called.

"Both of you, home. Now." Pepper said crossing her arms over her chest as the men had their handcuffs unlocked. Tony thanked the commissioner for his 'diligence to our city' sarcastically and Peter quietly apologised before they followed Pepper and Y/N back to the car.

"Man that Commissioner is such a prick. Those guys are the ones that get bullied in school for being a little fucking asshole and then grow up craving power," Tony huffed, standing at the passenger door as Pepper dug her keys out of her handbag.

"No, you sit in the back with Peter and think about how stupid you were today," Pepper frowned, getting in the car and igniting the engine. Y/N now in the front seat, turned to look at Peter and smiled softly, mouthing 'I'm sorry' to him.

"Peter honey, you were doing a good thing but you need to get in the habit of just calling the police next time okay? And you Anthony, you and I need to have some words when we get home," Pepper snapped.

"You wanna go to the cinema tonight with Ned and MJ? They texted the group chat but you didn't respond... Probably because you were getting arrested I guess," Y/N said turning to face Peter again.

He shook his head.

As much as he had missed his best friends, he was scared to see them after these several years. They had thought he died, moved on with their lives and now that he actually was alive, he was worried they'd be different to how he remembered them. He was worried that they wouldn't be his same best friends anymore.

Once they got back to the new Stark residence, Pepper told Y/N and Peter to go and relax whilst she dealt with Tony. The two went upstairs to Y/N's room whilst Pepper made sure she heard the door close before she turned to her husband, who was already smirking at her.

"Is this one of those times where you get all angry with me but we go release all of that stress together somewhere a little more private?" Tony said, raising his eyebrows and receiving a smack on the chest from Pepper.

"God Tony! This is not one of those times! You can't just disobey the law like that anymore!" She said sternly, pouring herself a glass of water, popping an Aspirin for her stress headache and frowning at her husband.

"Iron-Man is a part of my identity Pep, I can't let go of him that easily. I am Iron-Man."

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