39 | Shock

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Tony was training with Y/N almost everyday, building simulations for her to fight in knowing she could ruin his suit or worse, kill him if they were in the ring together. He had human-like dummies and robotic bots to fight against her, replicating various fights she could encounter as an Avenger.

Tony sat eating potato chips on the upper level, looking down at Y/N in Tony's workshop through the large glass window panels.

"This feels like the fucking Hunger Games why do you need to be watching me from up there?" She yelled, throwing her arms up and furrowing her eyebrows.

"Because I don't want to die, also if there's a blackout, I'm close to a generator," Tony said pressing an intercom to play through speakers where his daughter was. It was true, they wanted to build on her already strong abilities, knowing she could endanger him and others if they trained in person.

Tony controlled the simulations via a holographic screen, sending various human replicas to attack her. Some threw punches, others threw knives. Many had guns and most were taller and stronger than her. Tony had sent in dozens of bots as a finale, Y/N sending a beaming ring of electricity out around her. She decimated them easily, short circuiting each and every one.

She had taken a hit to the face from one of the robots, her lip throbbing with pain. She looked up at Tony once the exercise ended and gave him the finger with her suit-clad hand.

"Good job kiddo, let's see the damage," Tony chuckled through the speakers before hopping down the stairs to her.

He gave his breathless daughter a quick high five before gripping her face under her chin to tilt it towards the ceiling lights. He pulled her mask down as he saw the deep split in her lower lip. It had started to clot slightly, yet a significant amount of blood was smeared across her cheek and chin.

Y/N winced at the pain as Tony pulled her bottom lip down to inspect it further, pulling away as he started to hurt her.

"Ow Tony, Jesus Christ be gentle," she muttered, the movement of her mouth restricted.

"Nothing a few stitches won't fix," he chuckled, putting his arm around her and rubbing her shoulder. "You kicked ass though," he smiled, walking to the infirmary in Stark Tower.

Throughout the years, Tony had learnt some lack-lustre ways to attend to injuries, mostly due to the fact he wanted to hide them from Pepper and not have her pick him up from various hospitals. He worked on his own arc reactor, he would stitch up his own cuts and slashes and on a few occasions he would even snap a few bones back into place with the help of his robotic assistant.

Tony had his daughter lie on a medical bench whilst he administered local anaesthetic into her lip via a thin needle, making Y/N close her eyes and clench her fists.

"You can't still be scared of needles kid, you're almost twenty two and have literally faced the worlds toughest villains... Get over it," Tony scoffed, attaching the sutures to the needle and leaning over her.

She kept her eyes closed as he stitched two minuscule knots into her lip, snipping the thread and patting her shoulder.

"It won't scar, but don't move it too much or it won't join," Tony said squinting, knowing Peter would be more disappointed than she would.

They walked upstairs to the residential levels of the tower, Tony grabbing a few ice cubes and wrapping them in a cloth for her as Pepper demanded to know what had happened.

"I've broken my nose three times on missions Pep, a split lip is the least of our issues," Tony sighed, flopping onto the couch and turning the television on with his voice commands.

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