15 | Livestream

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It was a while before Y/N and Peter were back to their usual selves together, it involved some time apart, some intense angry sex and a range of emotional conversations. He felt horrible, he'd almost broken down in front of her but covered it up by pushing his head into her chest as she cuddled him. He didn't really mind showing his feelings around her, but not the full on anxiety attack type emotions yet. Y/N was more relaxed around MJ now that Peter had confirmed he was over her. He'd stayed over at her house more, and been more public with his affection for her around his friends; something the rest of them were used to. Betty had even told Y/N on a shopping trip, that she thought MJ was jealous of her, and that's why she tried so hard to get Peter back. MJ had swiftly moved on to Brad Davis, a boy the group went to high-school with and had been open about his affection for her since Europe. Whether it was serious or not, who knew.

He was weirdly competitive with Peter, usually through banter and backhanded comments but it was strange to Y/N because she obviously had gotten over him. Peter had spoken to MJ about what had happened, they agreed it was just closure for their break-up before her gap year, and that it felt weird for both of them - much to Y/N's satisfaction. The group dynamic no longer had an elephant in the room, although Y/N was always cautious around MJ, still not being able to completely read her. They both got along better now, not having this unspoken competition over Peter, and MJ had even gone to the Stark residence in high spirits with the group for a rooftop movie night, perhaps due to the fact Brad was also invited. It seemed like the group dynamic had settled into place now, and it was just another thing Peter and Y/N didn't have to stress about.

Their time apart had given Peter a change of mindset about Y/N, realising that she really was the one he wanted to be with. Whether it was alone at home, on a mission or sitting in college lectures, he couldn't stop thinking about her. The thoughts were balanced between romantic daydreams of them both together, and sexual urges he often had to leave the room for. His Spider-Man suit didn't allow for much of a stretch down there, and the erections that he'd get were uncomfortable and quite obvious. He'd ask Karen to recite Pythagorus Theorem to him or talk about old political figures to try and get rid of these thoughts when he was in his suit. He felt like a young teenager again and he didn't know why, not being able to control himself and having to sit with his textbooks on his lap around his friends.

She'd noticed the increase in his sex drive through his half naked photos or intense text messages and poked fun at him, nevertheless still following through with the situation. Recently with the current Avengers mission where Peter would be staying at the compound, he'd be sexting Y/N during the night, hating himself for being so sleazy but loving every word or photo he got from her.

With Y/N's newfound abilities, she trained alone more often rather than with Nat, trying to master the art of her power herself. She drove to abandoned warehouses for more space and set up targets in her home gym. It was liberating, knowing something only she knew, something that compared her with the Avengers. Maybe now, she could actually be an Avenger; except that would entail telling Tony and he would definitely not approve of any of this. She still hadn't told Peter, she feared his reaction too much. Would he be scared of her? Would he tell Tony? Would he be angry for not telling him sooner? She worried just thinking about the dozens of outcomes that could come from telling him, so she decided not to for now. It was lonely at home without Tony around and Peter visiting so Y/N spent most of her free time training or in Tony's workshop.

Sometimes, when Tony was on missions, Y/N would tap into his suit cameras and watch him fight, like a livestream just for her. He knew about this habit of hers, and somewhat felt like it was her way of being proud of him, he always fought knowing she could be watching and would always talk to her at the end of fights if FRIDAY told him she was watching. She smiled at her phone, watching the POV videos from her fathers suit, spotting Peter in various angles, admiring his tenacity and courage, yet fearful that any second, an Avenger could die and she'd be watching it live.

Y/N was laying on her bed watching Tony and the Avengers fight a group from a crime syndicate called Krytos. According to Happy, Pepper and Y/N were going to have to stay at the Safe House tomorrow morning until they had tracked the group of villains. Tony had updated his suit to have his camera detach from him like a drone which surprised Y/N when she saw Iron Man looking at the camera she was watching.

"It's three in the morning in New York, go to bed kiddo. I know you're watching me cos you're worried." He chuckled, his voice deep and robotic through the suit.

"Hey Baby Stark!" Steve waved in the background, many of the group growing fonder of Tony's daughter the more they had been around his family. Peter entered the frame acting oblivious,

"Wait, Y/N can see us? Hey Y/N can you br-" Peter began saying before Tony pushed him out of the camera shot.

"Don't listen to him, he doesn't know anything" Tony interrupted quickly. "Look Y/N, I'm not sure how long we will be at the compound but I'll see you tomorrow morning okay?" He said, retracting his suit mask and smiling.

Y/N asked FRIDAY to turn the livestream off, lying back on her pillow and shooting electric bolts between her hands, twisting them and focusing on keeping the current connected. She wanted to join them so badly in this new mission, but she knew her father would never let her. In her spare time, she had been secretly designing her own suit. It wasn't like a usual Stark suit, it wasn't metal, it wasn't entirely electronic and it was just for her. She had decided against making it from metal as that would conduct electricity externally rather than only what she controlled, and it was black for stealth. She was proud of it, not to mention she knew it would look good on her. She built in a backup generator that attached to the back of her head via the tiniest cable she could manage, in case she short-circuited again. She had thought of everything to withstand the most gruelling of missions; this was her job after all, to make suits. However, Tony had restricted her access to only be able to work on suits assigned to her, so until she hacked his authority, she couldn't actually make her suit a reality.

idk if you heard me
but can you bring some
stuff for me to the compound?
also maybe some stuff for
steve and nat?

Yeah of course, I'll swing by
the store and grab whatever

i miss you so much :(
we're going to have to sneak
around cos they don't know
you know about me

I'm just happy I get to
see you again it's been forever

also compound has thin walls
figured that one out after
steve was working out in
his room super late at night

God Peter you are such
a fkn horny mess lately
lowkey into it x

But you need to focus on
missions and not sex lol

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