53 | Greater

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"Y/N, listen to me. I know that this place seems beautiful and serene and everything is a ray of fucking sunshine but he is manipulating you. Loki is manipulating everyone in Asgard," Natasha said in a hushed tone, pushing her food around her plate as the heroes sat eating together.

"Greater Asgard, the old term of 'Asgard' is a part of history now Nat," Y/N said whispering back, smiling at Loki at the end of the table. He raised his glass up in the air, tapping against the side to gain everyone's attention. Majority of the table were engaged in loud and boisterous conversation, enjoying each other's company and their new lives in Asgard. The group eventually silenced, watching their King as he stood at the head of the table, standing in 'casual' Asgardian dress.

"My dear friends; whom I'm pleased to now call family, I welcome you all to a very special event tonight. A cleansing of our previous Asgard, and a celebration towards our new Greater Asgard. For now, we feast, we indulge, we bask in the glory of Greater Asgard!" Loki said raising his glass with the group as they clinked glasses in excitement.

Once again, Natasha was avoiding drinking the wine as much as possible. On most occasions she would swap her glasses with those around her, making it appear as thought she was gradually consuming her glass. On the extreme event, she would excuse herself to the bathroom and hold her head over the toilet bowl.

"I-I think the wine is affecting everyone's views... Doing something to them psychologically..." Natasha trailed, trying to stay quiet but loud enough for Y/N to hear her. She was however, distracted by the conversation occurring around her, not particularly listening to Natasha and her 'conspiracies'.

"Fuck!" Quill said loudly, pushing himself out from the table and leaping off of his chair. He ran from the large hall they were all situated in, towards his quarters in which he was staying. He rummaged around the various rooms, searching through his backpack and calling out as he scurried from wall to wall.

He huffed and groaned to himself, running his hands through his hair in disappointment and regret. He sat down on the bed as he held his head in his hands.

It wasn't long before a scream was heard, causing Quill to snap his head up and be met with a feisty and furious Baby Groot flying at him and landing on his shoulder.

"Dude! I am so sorry I completely forgot I snuck you here in my backpack!" Quill exclaimed, trying to pull his friend off of him as Groot yelled at him and pulled at his hair. The small man was pounding both of his fists down onto Quill as he was pulled off, Quill apologising profusely.

"I am Groot!" He said crossing his arms and scoffing.

"I'm sorry! We've just been so distracted lately," Quill pleaded, holding his hand out as a peace offering. Groot whined and slapped his hand against the mans, accepting his apology with a small handshake.

He nudged his head to the side, motioning for Groot to assume his position on his shoulder as he walked their way back out to the group. The group cheered as they saw Groot had joined them, Loki leaning to his brother in confusion.

"What is that animated plant man doing?" Loki asked out of judgment, furrowing his brows as to why there was such excitement over him.

"That's Groot. He like a strange pet that just says 'I am Groot' over and over. You'll get used to him," Thor said chuckling and drinking; unlike the others who were drinking from dainty glasses, Thor had a large beer stein filled with wine.

The group had finished eating and started to head back to their rooms to get ready for this special event Loki had been talking about. Natasha jogged up to meet Y/N where she pulled her away from Peter, asking to speak with her in private. Y/N obliged, laughing and telling Nat she was acting crazy.

"Loki is poisoning us with this shit. I don't know how a-and I don't know why but everyone's in love with this monster of a man overnight and they're all constantly drinking this!" She exclaimed, attempting to pull the glass away from Y/N and spilling it on her dress.

"Nat, fuck how drunk are you?" Y/N laughed, brushing the liquid off her dress as the stains appeared prominently. She didn't seem too phased by the spill, her servant Fleur rushing over to escort her back to her quarters. Loki however, had noticed this interaction and now graciously blessed them with his presence.

"Y/N my darling child, go get yourself cleaned up. We don't want one of our guests of honour to look like she's been in a battle," He joked, referring to the deep red splatter across her torso.

He snapped his fingers to command Fleur to take Y/N back to her and Peter's shared room before turning to Natasha with a sinister grin.

"You pull a stunt like that again and I will end your pitiful existence in a heartbeat. Do I make myself clear?" He said calmly, smiling to a passerby before looking into Natasha's eyes.

"So you are drugging them then. You're like a puppet master controlling everyone with this liquid huh?" She said venomously, scowling at him as he knew nobody would believe her.

"You think I haven't noticed your swift little glass switches or the fact you never act the same as the rest of them? You think I haven't noticed the fact that you stay quiet and antisocial when everyone else is having the time of their fucking lives here? I was wondering who the first one would be to figure this all out honestly. Although I expected it to be someone smarter," He smirked, Natasha lashing out to hit him as he activated her shock device.

She fell to the floor instantly, convulsing as the veins in her neck turned a darker colour and the light drained from her eyes. He turned it off when she eventually lost consciousness, ordering guards to take her away.

The only people left in the great hall were native Asgardians and servants, turning a blind eye to the limp unconscious woman being carried away and Loki watching in pride.

Y/N changed out of her wine stained dress when's he entered their living quarters, Peter glancing over to admire the beauty of his love. She rolled her eyes when she noticed him zoned out like a teenager seeing breasts for the first time, laughing as he bit his lip.

"You've been here almost two weeks and we haven't done anything remotely intimate Y/N, you can't blame me for staring," Peter joked, sitting up and patting the bed next to him.

"But we have servants come in all the time. And we're in a royal like, palace. It just feels weird to do anything with all these people around. Plus we have this big event in a few hours," Y/N said holding her arms across her chest to cover up.

"We have more than enough time then," Peter smirked, sitting back against the headboard and watching as Y/N came over to him. He had thought about it quite often, why they hadn't done anything more than kiss since she had gotten to Asgard. The reason being, she was guilty about sleeping with Bucky and thought the best way to forget about the dilemma was to avoid sex in general.

Peter missed Y/N, there was no doubt about that. And she missed him too, given the fact she assumed he was dead. Whilst he was alone though, he couldn't help but relieve himself of any sexual thoughts or moments that would arise; using their intimate memories to help him. Now that she was here however, he could finally have her all to himself.

Or so he thought.

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