24 | Probation

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Harry's group of misfit criminals had started terrorising the city, each of the Avengers having taken them down individually but assembling to decide how to eradicate them for good. Tony knew most of their identities apart from the Green Goblin thanks to FRIDAY but they knew he was the ringleader behind this crime syndicate. The group sat at the compound, discussing what they could do to foil their plans.

Tony pulled up majority of their identities on a holographic screen in the compound, explaining all the information he knew about the group. Peter groaned and threw his fists on the table they were sitting at.

"I am telling you the Osborns have something to do with this, how else would all of these guys have suits similar to Stark technology?!" He yelled, Steve rolling his eyes and covering Peter's mouth in a headlock.

"If the kid wants to not interrupt and get some manners, I have to say he's right, that suit there looks like it has an arc reactor of its own," he pointed, a video of Ivan Vanko playing on the screen. Peter wriggled out of Steve's grip and looked at Tony.

"Y/N is at work right now, you have to tell her to come here she's with Harry almost every day," he said, Tony now piecing the story together and realising that Harry Osborn was behind this.

Y/N was getting sushi with Harry on her lunch break when she asked him what he thought about these new villains in the media.

"Honestly, it's kind of scary what they're doing," she said quietly, knowing her father and the Avengers were doing everything they could to stop them. Harry smiled.

"I think they're stronger than the Avengers to be honest," he continued, holding a small black machine in the palm of his hand. "You want to see something cool?" Harry asked, turning on the small device and it buzzing. "You won't feel a thing," he said smirking and holding it to the back of her head, magnetically pulling out her neuro-chip and making her collapse before she had time to understand what he was even saying. He looked around at the empty restaurant and put on his Green Goblin glove, the rest of the suit forming around his body as he picked her up over his shoulder and walked out onto the street. His glider landed at this feet, him jumping on top of it and throwing a gas bomb into the restaurant before flying off into the New York skyline.

Back at Oscorp, Harry had Y/N locked in a large empty workshop, strapping her arms and legs down to a bench and inserting the hacked neuro-chip into her skull. This was the only chip he had, and if this didn't work his plan was ruined. If this did work however, he would have overridden the data to basically control her mind as she'd believe anything anyone said. It was a long shot, but he was praying. She woke up shortly after, her eyes fluttering open and looking around.

"H-Harry what are you doing?! Where am I?" She spoke, her voice scared and her body trying to break the restraints he had tightly around her.

"Shh, sweetheart you're okay, the Avengers almost killed us at the restaurant, I saved you and brought you back here," Harry said softly, brushing his hand against her face and smiling. She nodded slowly, believing every word.

The chip had worked. He undid her restraints, explaining that she was having a seizure when the Avengers had 'attacked', her shaking her head.

"B-but they wouldn't do this, they're family. Tony wouldn't do that to me," she said, Quentin coming downstairs and introducing himself.

"I um, I have the footage you asked for," he said, pulling up a hologram that he had manipulated of the Avengers 'attacking' the city. Her eyes teared up watching the fake footage, seeing Iron Man destroy parts of New York and Peter snapping a civilians neck. She covered her mouth in shock, looking away.

"Hey um, do you know who Spider-Man is?" Quentin spoke, realising that Harry's plan had worked. She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah it's Peter" she huffed, feeling betrayed by him joining this seemingly evil version of the Avengers.

"Parker? Fuck, I did not see that coming, weren't you two like.. Dating?" Harry asked, now knowing Spider-Man had a personal tie to Y/N and he could completely turn her against him. She nodded, shaking her head in disgust thinking he had plotted against her with Tony and the rest of the Avengers. Harry chuckled to himself, knowing that not only had he have Y/N under his control to get back at Tony, but he could fuck around with Peter just for fun and convince her he was the complete opposite to what he was.

"I thought he was dating that other girl, the uh, Michelle girl. He always talked about her when I was in the Stark Tower," Harry said, having done a fair amount of social media stalking on Y/N and her connections. That tipped Y/N over the edge.

"So he's fucking her again! I knew it," she exclaimed, Harry not knowing any of the context behind what she was saying but nodding regardless.

"Yeah, I never got a good vibe from Peter Parker." He chuckled.

"Tony probably adopted me just to make me conquer the world like they're doing now," she sighed, wiping under her eyes. Quentin, now more intrigued about how the hacked neuro-chip had worked, wanted to test the limits on how much she would share about the group.

"What other secret identities do you know within the Avengers?" He asked, sitting next to her and Harry. She rolled her eyes.

"Just me and Peter basically. I'm on probation cos Tony didn't trust me enough to join them on actual missions," she said bitterly. Harry snapped his head up when she said that, looking at Quentin when she mentioned herself in her answer.

"What do you mean probation?" Harry asked, putting his hand on hers and interlocking their fingers. She smiled softly, the affection feeling comforting to her after all of this information she had taken in.

"Yeah, I um, I had an accident and I can kind of control electricity with my body. It's nothing crazy but you know those guys Krytos the other month? I killed that guy by flicking my arm out. It was really scary," she explained, Quentins mouth dropping and staring at Harry. They had hit the jackpot without realising. Initially they had planned to kidnap Y/N to lure Tony and the group to them, now they could use Y/N against them and she was stronger than they could imagine.

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