23 | Hostage

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Happy had regained consciousness properly now, Tony, Pepper and Y/N trying to visit him as much as possible in turns when they couldn't all go together. He still had no recollection of how his injuries were sustained nor where he was when they happened. Norman had developed a gas bomb that when activated in a small contained area, wiped short term memory of those exposed; Happy being one of them. Y/N had downloaded Instagram for Happy, to keep him entertained in hospital whilst he recovered. He didn't understand the application very well, but he liked being able to keep up with his friends lives. Tony Stark, always went live on Instagram, he loved showing off his life and having thousands of people tell him how amazing he was.

Despite being so technologically advanced, Harry preferred to use a large whiteboard for planning in his late fathers office; now being his own. He had contacted each of the men who had previously reached out to Oscorp and set up a meeting with them all. He had slowly re-engineered the Green Goblin suit alongside Y/N, asking her 'random' questions about suit design and mechanics, making sure to take notes for his side project. She hadn't pieces together his oddly specific questions - she thought he was just intrigued in her work.

The first to arrive early was Dr Connors, who worked at Oscorp and entered the office smiling. He was well acquainted with Harry's father but not so much the Osborn son. He outstretched his arm for a handshake, Harry not being able to help himself as he gazed at the amputee's missing other arm. They sat and engaged in small talk, Quentin Beck entering the office secondly.

"Quentin," he said introducing himself, shaking Harry's hand with a nod, taking a seat opposite Curt. Further to the men, Dr. Octavius walked through the office doors dead on time, checking his watch expressionless as he sat down. Ivan Vanko, freshly released from prison was next; not saying anything and holding a toothpick loosely between his teeth. Quentin moved his chair slightly further away from him, closer to the two doctors. Killian only mere minutes late walked in smiling. Charismatic like Harry, the both of them were similar in many ways. Late by several minutes was Adrian Toomes, a rough around the edges man who instantly asked 'what the fuck' was happening when he saw all of the other men sitting in the office.

"Gentleman, I thank you all for your time and coming to meet me today, I think we can all help each other in many ways," Harry started, flipping the whiteboard over and showing an elaborate scheme. He continued to run the men through how Oscorp could help them in their individual vendettas, needs and problems. All of the men had their own questions but the main one in this situation was, 'What's in it for you?', which Harry responded.


He showed them through the Oscorp labs, multiple men and women working around the clock on various suits, parts and serums. The men watched on in surprise, looking around in shock and awe. Harry stood and turned back to the group.

"I'd like to thank you all in advance, for sending your plans through to Oscorp in the past, and so we have begun making your ideas a reality. Making the world a place with no weakness," he spoke.

"Hey buddy, this is all well and great but how do we even get any of this shit to the Avengers like you want? Cos I dont really give a shit about them, I just want to make some coin," Adrian scoffed, slightly unsold on this elaborate plan that seemingly solved all the mens problems. Harry chuckled and pulled the stolen neuro-chip from his pocket.

"See this? It's basically a remote control to get the Avengers to come to us," he smiled. "But that part, is still under progress," he said.

All of the men agreed to join Harry in his plan to take down Tony Stark and his group of heroes, Vanko asking specifically for his bird to be brought to America for him to start working.

"Your, um, bort? Board? I uh, sure we can get you a board, like a  whiteboard?" Harry questioned, Ivan's accent thick and confusing Harry. Dr. Connors whispered to Harry that he thought Ivan meant 'bird' which made slightly less sense to Harry, but agreed nevertheless.

Several weeks of blood, sweat and tears were all put in by each of the men within the Oscorp workshops, individually making their own dreams a reality. In saying that, sometimes dreams go askew and there are often detours and obstacles that arise. Harry watched on as his ragtag group of criminals and ill-intended men encounter these issues. Dr. Connors used his serum on himself, creating a temporary Amphibian-like shapeshifting effect on his body. Dr. Octavius, in an unfortunate accident had fused robotic arms to his own body, unable to detach them. Each of the men had begun their escapades into the city, becoming larger scale criminals and creating quite the reputations for themselves.

Harry, on his own personal agenda had upgraded the Green Goblin suit, and had begun trying to simulate the neuro-chip on computer systems before potentially destroying the only chip he had. He had looked into its coding, realising that it was overridden with data to basically keep Y/N alive. He knew she would be the way to get Tony Stark to come to him; a hostage, the damsel in distress. He didn't however, know about her ability to harness electricity.

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