48 | Performance

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(A/N: Just a quick message from me, hello my darling. This series isn't supposed to be based on any of the plots from the movies or comics - it is purely supposed to be surrounding the MCU as inspiration. So please please please don't be like 'but thanos did XYZ in ABC movie so this makes no sense' cos he isn't existent in my brain and that big purple foot looking mf ain't welcome here lmao)


"Wake up doll," Bucky whispered, leaning over Y/N as she slept, peppering kisses down her neck, collarbone and shoulder. To him, he was fulfilling a sexual need whilst trapped underground for a month. To Y/N, she was using him to get over Peter; presumed dead and needing a rebound. They knew their place, they knew it was no strings attached and they knew it had to be a secret from everyone.

She stirred softly, tired from the previous night where they'd slept with each other. Bucky was different in bed than Peter, much to the fact he was older, more experienced and a lot more dominant.

He smiled softly as she opened her eyes, said good morning and leant up to kiss him. He chuckled as he turned his head to dodge the kiss, making her lips kiss his cheek rather than his mouth. He got out of bed, confusing her as to why he was leaving so soon.

"Woah where's the fire? You have places you need to go?" She joked, used to cuddling in the morning after sex with Peter. That was another difference with Bucky, there weren't any feelings and there definitely wasn't any romance.

"I don't want to get caught being in your room, but last night was fun... We should get drunk more kiddo," he said winking, leaving the room and holding his jacket over his shoulder.

She sat almost in shock, at the abrupt and odd way she had just been woken up. It was almost as if because it was daylight, the sexual tension had completely dissipated. She assumed that's what happened usually with casual sex.

Lying back down in her bed she remembered the night before. She smiled to herself ever so slightly, reminiscent of how easily he took control of her. How he held his hand against her mouth to stop her moaning, dragging his fingertips against her lips as he choked her.

"Incoming call, Phil Coulson," FRIDAY voiced over the compound speakers, alerting the various heroes in any room they may be in.

"Steve, Tony, Clint, Thor, Bruce... Ugh, guys! Everyone come join this call," Nat shouted from the living room couch, using the remote to answer the call from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Everyone came into the room one by one, taking up all the seating options and causing the late stragglers to resort to sitting on the floor. Y/N came into the room towards the end, almost bumping into Bucky and apologising awkwardly before sitting on the arm of the couch next to Tony.

"Thankyou everyone for the impromptu call, I do apologise for not scheduling it officially; but this is a breakthrough," Phil said into the camera, Y/N leaning forward and interrupting.

"Is Peter alive?!" She asked eagerly, Phil shaking his head and further apologising.

"Unfortunately no sign of him yet, but we did find markings on the rooftop of a building signalling that someone had used the Bifrost. We do not know to which realm, but we are taking an assumption that Loki has left Earth," Agent Coulson continued, Thor's face dropping as majority of the group looked at him for guidance.

An image of the patterned markings appeared on the screen as Thor inspected it, sighing and holding his head in his hand.

"He's travelled to Alfheim... But why? What is in Alfheim that Loki would need?" Thor muttered to himself, thinking aloud as Agent Coulson directed the Guardians of the Galaxy to return home as the Chitauri army had seemingly disappeared - then he hung up.

"Why does he always hang up so quickly like that?" Tony scoffed, biting the corner of his nail as he glared at the screen.

"I need to return to Asgard at once. I need to protect my people," Thor said standing, pacing up and down the living room as a S.H.I.E.L.D spacecraft landed on the ground level of the bunker to take the guardians home.

"Quill. You stay." Thor ordered, snapping his fingers at him as the group left for their home.

"Oh sweet, are we going to Viking-land? Cool..." Quill said leaping over the back of the couch and rejoining the group.

"Quill, Tony, Steve, Bucky... Nat... And Y/N I need you all to escort me to Asgard. The rest of you stay on Earth and restore society, in case the Chitauri attack once more," Thor commanded, Tony laughing at the change of leadership - he always viewed himself as the unofficial leader.

"Wait... Asgard? Like... In space?" Y/N said excitedly, not properly understand the different realms and universes.

"Kind of. Hurry yourselves, we must leave at once," he responded, Thor rushing around and collecting his minimal things.

"What about this?" Y/N said holding Mjølnir out to him as the others smiled at her. Tony however, was seeing this for the first time.

"God, I must be still drunk because it looks like Y/N is holding Thor's hammer," Tony laughed, rubbing his palms against his eyes and shaking his head.

Thor took it from her, thanking her with a nod before standing and ordering everyone to stand around him to command the Asgardian deity to open the Bifrost.

"Is this going to hurt?" Quill whispered, elbowing Steve next to him and holding his backpack over his shoulder.

"Shut up and just listen to Pointbreak okay? None of us are used to travelling through cosmic gateways," Bucky snarled, glaring at Quill as he apologised.

Quill screamed most of the way through the Bifrost. Bucky and Steve stayed solemn and silent like usual, trying not to show their emotions. Tony, prone to motion sickness and anxiety kept his eyes closed and gripped his daughters forearm. Y/N was in awe of the multicoloured beam of light transporting them to Asgard, looking around and putting her other hand out to glide through the edges.

The blind guardian welcomed them at the Bifrost gate as Tony leant against the wall, nauseous and disoriented.

"You look a little green Stark, almost mistook you for Banner," Thor joked, slapping the hunched over man on the back and laughing.

"Our king has been expecting you," the guardian said softly, facing the portal gate due to not seeing them for obvious reasons.

"What King do you speak of?" Thor said gruffly, turning towards the palace which had recently undergone an aesthetic image change. Loki had taken it upon himself to re-decorate - priorities.

The group walked along a long winding bridge from the portal to the city, rainbow glints of light shining as they stepped.

On foot, it took them a short journey to reach the city, climbing winding golden steps to where the wealthiest citizens resided; including the new King and Prince.

"Loki," Thor said standing behind his brother who was once again watching a play about his own exaggerated life. Without turning around, he raised his hand to silence him.

"Take a seat brother, you're just in time for Act Two," Loki responded, Peter not realising the group he once called family, were all behind him. He was in regal Asgardian dress, looking unlike himself.

And they didn't realise he was there either.

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