50 | Magnhild

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Y/N was escorted through the palace following a girl with long white braids, a younger age to herself. She walked past Loki who was having a conversation to a guard, him waving and smiling at her.

"You're wearing pajamas," he said calmly, motioning to the pants and blouse she had chosen to wear.

"Oh... I just thought the other things looked way too formal to just hang around here," She responded, still confused as to why Loki was so nice despite everyone saying he was the one destroying Earth.

She had never before met Loki, nor had she fought against him. Technically they weren't even sure if he was the one controlling the Chitauri - S.H.I.E.L.D just assumed that it was him behind the destruction.

The servant stood next to a large door similar to her own rooms, putting her hand out and nodding for her to enter. She slowly poked her head in the room, relieved to see the heroes alive and well.

"Y/N! Oh thank god you're okay, where do they have you and Peter? Are you both safe?" Tony said rushing to her and embracing her into a hug, clutching her head against his shoulder.

"I-I'm fine but I don't understand why everything seems so fine. What is he up to?" She said looking to Thor, who was pacing around the large room.

"I don't understand what he is planning but I don't like it. And I do not like this controlling chip!" Thor said scratching at his neck, trying to pull the metal disk off of his body.

"You don't have one of these... Maybe because he's like, adopted Peter and you're his Viking princess or some fucking bullshit like that," Bucky sighed looking at Y/N, sitting on a couch next to Nat. The room they were in was beautiful, almost like a seperate building each with their own bedrooms and communal areas.

"Asgardians are not Vikings," Thor snapped at him, not wanting to be associated with a different race.

"I think this place is nice. He hasn't tried to kill us or anything, I don't mind it," Quill shrugged.

"It's better than prison. I can tell you that much, but this is so unlike my brother. Normally he fights against authority so cruelly," Thor said looking out the window across the city.

"Maybe he's nicer because he hadn't needed to fight dirty against anyone to rule the throne this time... He just wants to lead Asgard after all?" Steve suggested, looking at Thor in hope.

Thor looked across at Greater Asgard, watching communities of happy celebrate and dance in unison, playing loud instruments and joining together in the streets. He saw that the nature and foliage looked healthier, brighter and more colourful. Maybe Loki really was benefiting this realm.

"What's a Magnhild?" Y/N asked Thor, snapping him out of his daze by the window.

"Where did you hear that? It's nothing, it just means beautiful woman," Thor lied, shocked that she had heard this name. He hadn't heard anyone speak of the prophecy in years, let alone someone from Earth.

"Oh, creepy that Loki called me that then," She chuckled, turning back to the white haired servant at the door.

"Guests of our King. I do wish to inform you that our majesty wishes for you all to join him in a royal feast tonight, to celebrate your arrival to Greater Asgard," she said politely, bowing once she finished speaking and asking Y/N to return to her wing of the palace.

"I uh, I'll see you all tonight then? Please be safe," Y/N said softly, worried for their safeties. Quill waved to her, throwing a pistachio nut into the air and catching it with his mouth. He was the only one to be relaxed and enthused by being on Asgard alongside Peter.

Y/N was shown back to her quarters, greeted by a small group of Asgardians introduced as her staff which confused her. She saw Peter lying on the bed, stroking the cat who he had brought along from Earth.

"It's so weird here, we're basically royalty cos we have powers... They do stuff for you, like they'll do your hair and bring you food," Peter chuckled, thanking the blue haired man for topping up his wine glass.

Y/N smiled uncomfortably as two girls held out formal attire for her to wear to tonight's feast. The dress she was given earlier now seemed so casual compared to the vibrant purple gown she was putting on. It was mainly black, with small features of purple and gold. It almost matched Peter's. She expected Asgard's women to look like mythical princesses in huge fluffy ballroom dresses, but she couldn't help to admire the elegant dress she was now wearing.

Peter was wearing a dark Asgardian suit, draped with royal blue and dark charcoal. The blue shon when the light hit it, similar to the silk Y/N had been given. He looked good, she couldn't help but stare in the mirror at him standing behind her.

"You okay?" He said putting his hand out as she interlocked their fingers.

She shook her head ever so slightly, making sure not to move it too much as an Asgardian woman styled her hair with braids and curls.

"I'm scared Peter, this is all too much," She whispered, barely being able to make her voice much louder.

"You're safe as long as you're with me okay? Loki isn't going to harm them... He's chill," He assured, kissing her cheek and helping her stand as the servant finished her hair.

"Now it makes sense why Thor always looked so ridiculous on Earth, everyone dresses weird here," She laughed, looking at her and Peter in the mirror as he put his arm around her.

"It feels like a fairytale but way cooler. Some of their technology is better than Starks and they have magic shit here too," the boy said tapping his hand against her ass and chuckling.

"You look good in it though," he taunted, walking out of their chambers with his long cape-like cloak drifting in the air behind him. She followed slowly behind, jogging up to meet him and hold his hand.

He was right; no matter how uncomfortable she was being here, she felt a lot safer being with Peter again. He could protect her, he was on Loki's good side.

"Friends! Welcome, welcome!" Loki said standing on a large balcony, ushering all of the heroes over to a large banquet table. Quill pulled at the crotch of his pants, trying to adjust himself in the outfit he was given. They all looked like Thor now, they all looked Asgardian.

Each of the heroes had a seperate servant following them, the pastel blue haired boy serving Peter and the girl with white plaits serving Y/N. They were all seated at the long table covered in delicacies from across the land.

Loki stood at the head of the table, wearing a large metal headpiece and holding a glass of wine up in the air. The rest of the table followed his lead, expecting him to make a speech for their cheers.

He turned to look out across Greater Asgard, snapping his fingers to make the retaining wall of the balcony transparent and allow all the citizens of the city see the heroes dining at the table.

"People of Greater Asgard, I introduce you to our newest members of royalty!" He commanded, the crowd cheering as his face appeared on screens around the central amphitheatre. Hundreds of citizens were celebrating down below on the ground, feasting and drinking along with them as a close knit community, He smiled and waved down to them, before taking a seat back at the table and encouraging the heroes to eat, drink, party and indulge in luxury.

Sitting in fear wasn't helping the Avengers at this point, neither was sitting in anger.

So they drank.

They ate.

They indulged.

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