18 | Christmas

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Y/N and Peter had organised to spend Christmas Eve at Aunt May's house and then Christmas Day at the Stark's. May had all the intention to cook a Christmas Dinner for them, but after reading the cooking time for a recipe she had found online, she realised that they'd be just as happy to grab take out and sit on the floor of the living room. Tony had grounded Y/N since the incident with Krytos, but she had begged him to at least be allowed outside of the house for Christmas. She walked arm in arm with Peter through the street, May insisting that no matter how cold or snowy it was outside, she wanted them both to pick up food without Spider-Mans help. Peter groaned.

"Aunt May if I swing to get it, it'll still be hot when I get home," he tried to reason. It was nice, they watched cheesy holiday movies and cuddled by the fire, the windowsill outside blanketed in snow and New York bright with lights and decorations. May loved Y/N, they went out for coffee in the mornings and there would be times where Peter would come home and Y/N would have been with Aunt May half the day without him knowing. Ned had joined them later in the night, him and Peter geeking out over their presents to each other that both Y/N and May couldn't quite understand the hype over. It was perfect, spending the holidays with the people they all loved.

Christmas Day at the Stark residence on the other hand, was on a much larger scale. Pepper had organised the house to be professionally decorated, the tree was several metres high in the foyer and it was just beautiful to look at all the effort Pepper had put in. Y/N still on rocky terms with her father, preferred Christmas at Peters house, it was cozy and warm. Y/N kicked her shoes off at the door as Pepper ran up to her and Peter at the door, wishing them a Merry Christmas and pulling them both into a hug. Happy was lying on the couch with a glass of scotch, finally off the clock and celebrating with his makeshift Stark family. Tony was downstairs in his workshop and Pepper called out to him.

"Tony it's Christmas for God's sake can you not tinker today?!"

They were spread out around the lounge room, Tony giving lavish gifts to the group that he took credit for despite being mostly selected and bought by Pepper. He laughed and kissed her on the cheek.

"Where would I be without you," he grinned, Pepper responding with 'probably dead' and laughing. Tony and Y/N were still quiet with each other but the rest of the group were gleeful and cheery. Tony had however, bought Pepper a lavish gift on his own accord, a diamond necklace and matching bracelet. She pouted, overwhelmed by the generosity which Happy scoffed at.

"Don't act like you didn't expect something this expensive when you're married to him," he joked. She hit Happy's arm playfully.

"I didn't even think he'd remember when Christmas was to be honest," she laughed.

"Don't start thinking I forgot you either Parker," he said tossing him a small box. Peter started to thank him, before Tony interrupted.

"What did I say about calling me Mr. Stark? You can call me Tony, you're family now." He pulled the paper off the box and opened the top, a pair of sunglasses identical to Tony's perched perfectly inside.

"Thought you needed a bit of a tech upgrade when you're not wearing the suit," Tony laughed. Peter grinned widely, putting the glasses on and looking around.

"What are they supposed to d-woah this is insane! Karen is in these?! Can you hear her? Or just me? How does that work?" He rambled, everyone just watching him talk to himself.

He smiled and took them off, putting them carefully in their case and smiling. Tony turned to Happy and stared at him.

"What? Do I have something in my teeth? Why are you staring at me like that?" Happy said, confused to why Tony wasn't speaking. Tony pulled out a small box, "You really like boxes don't you?" Happy scoffed, taking the box and thanking him before standing up abruptly and swearing. "Are you fucking serious?" Happy shouted holding up a pair of car keys. Tony shrugged.

"But you're not allowed to drive anyone around in this one, this is just for you and you only okay?" Tony explained.

"It's parked in the garage," he continued, Happy hugging Tony tightly. "Okay, you can let go now, don't want to make the wife jealous," Tony joked. He got up off the couch and looked though a multitude of wrapped presents under the tree, searching for Y/N's.

"Merry Christmas kiddo, love you," he said with a small smile, giving her a large box with shockingly wrapped paper.

"He insisted that he wrapped your gift himself," Pepper sighed, looking at the duct tape used instead of clear cellotape. Peter was sipping a hot cocoa as he watched Y/N carefully undo the paper and take the lid off a plain brown box. The badly folded material was tied together with a bow and Y/N pulled one of the ends.

"Tony, if this is another 'I love Iron Man' sweater I will kill you," she laughed, unfolding it and holding it up from the shoulders, dropping it swiftly back into the box and covering her mouth. Peter looked at her confused.

"What? What is it?" Peter asked excitedly, loving Christmas as much as a young child does. Y/N stared at Tony as he smiled proudly, leaning back on the couch with his arms behind his head. Y/N looked at Pepper and Happy who were smiling alongside Tony, knowing what her gift was.

"H-he made me a suit... My suit... How did you even find my designs?" Y/N asked in shock, running her hands down the sleeves and feeling the workmanship.

"After the fight, I did some digging around with FRIDAY, you're just like me so I knew you wouldn't have been able to help yourself creating a suit" he said watching his daughter ecstatic with his gift. She teared up and hugged her father tightly.

"This doesn't mean you're an Avenger okay? This means you're like a consultant, a contractor or something. I'll let you come along sometimes," he chuckled, looking at Peter and winking.

The sun had set by now and Peter had his gift still left for Y/N under the tree. Pepper smiled at him as he pushed it towards her on the carpet.

"It's um, nothing fancy, I just thought you'd like it," he said shrugging. Y/N unwrapped the paper and held a blue Tiffany & Co box, looking at him shocked. "Pepper told me the brand, I'm kinda clueless," he laughed. She took the lid off and smiled at the necklace inside. "It's a lightning bolt," he said softly, "Cos thats like, you now"

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