17 | Civilian

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The Avengers were out fighting a group from Krytos and had left Y/N at home with Pepper and Happy. She was worried, chewing the side her fingernail as she watched Tony through his suit camera as Pepper and Happy were mocking an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians on the television. Krytos was next level evil, a group that somehow never stopped growing; the Avengers would take one out, and they'd send a new villain out but stronger. The fight wasn't one massive battle, but more spaced out over several days. At least, it had been several days so far that Y/N was at the compound.

Each night, Krytos would start again, several of the group trying to take over the worlds technology, trying to brainwash the masses to believe what they wanted. Well, that's what the Avengers thought they were trying to do. They had wiped out majority of the group but the strongest still remained. They weren't too far from the compound, the walls occasionally shaking from impacts from the fight. Y/N's foot was tapping from anxiety, it was like a car crash; horrifying but you couldn't look away. Then in moments of seconds, her phone crashed along with the television that Pepper and Happy were watching, the screens all switching to a broadcast from Krytos. Pepper in her high strung state, was calmed down by Happy; explaining to her that the compound was one of the safest places in the world.

The Krytos group had assembled for their last true battle, effectively changing all screens around the world to dominate their media intake. They had hijacked Stark equipment, replicating their own suits and weaponry - a worthy opponent for the Avengers. Iron Mans suit was scratched and FRIDAY was glitching on him. Hawkeye and Black Widow were chronically fatigued, bruised and battered; as were the entire group. Peter had recovered but was still sore as he cleared the area of civilians and rejoining the group. Their leader landed on the ground, his suit similar to Iron Mans, allowing him to fly. He had whips in each of his hands, long and electronic, buzzing with electricity and slicing effortlessly into nearby cars and easily sending Tony flying through the air and crashing into a wall.

The Avengers were lined up, watching the leader of Krytos give the typical villainous speech about world domination and their reasoning for doing so. A man slowly came out from behind a crushed vehicle, flames emitting from the top. He walked slowly into the centre of the fight, Stark putting his arm in front of the Avengers and calling to cease fire. Captain America called out to the civilian to move, the leader of Krytos turning towards the man and tossing an electrified whip and flicking it towards him. Natasha turned away, fearful on the outcome that the civilian would die in front of them. The group watched in amazement as the man caught the whip in his hand, flipped into the air holding the electric cable and recirculated the bolts back to the villain, electrocuting him and sending him flying into the sky. Tony kept his arm up, holding back the Avengers.

"What the fuck," he muttered into his suit, retracting his mask and sending Captain over to the villains body. Dead. Instantly. Y/N turned to the group and covered her mouth.

"Is he dead?! Did I just kill someone?!" She yelled out, pulling her jumper hood back in utter shock as Tony retracted his mask.

"Get here right now!" He yelled out, furious but in complete shock of his own daughter single handedly taking down the leader of Krytos. She walked to the group, the most scared of her father she had ever been.

"Care to explain how the actual fuck you pulled that off young lady?" He growled, his brow furrowed in anger. She shrugged.

"It's uh, it's a long story, can we.. Can we maybe not talk about it here?" Y/N said quietly, her head low and Natasha running to her and pulling her into a hug.

"How did you do that oh my god you were incredible!" She said, holding Y/N's head in her hand and pulling her tightly to her. Peter was in complete shock, standing next to Clint in bewilderment, lost for words. She looked at him whilst Nat was still holding her in relief. She couldn't read his expression when he was in his suit but she mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' anyway.

Tony sat at the dining room table with his hands pressed together, staring down at Y/N. The rest of the Avengers sat down both the lengths of the table, also in silence, shock and fear of Tony who had demanded they all assemble after that days events.

"Tony please I just, I wanted to help! You should be thankful that I somehow managed to take down that guy!" Y/N pleaded, looking around the room.

"Yes, I should be thankful that my daughter almost got herself killed trying to be an Avenger. You know how long it took Peter to prove himself and actually be asked to join us?" He reasoned, Peter looking down at his hands and fidgeting.

"You don't understand do you? Your real dad left you to die in that burning house completely helpless and I don't want to do the same Y/N! I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you and I couldn't be there to stop it, I would literally throw myself off a bridge if I lost you. My father never told me he loved me, or he was proud of me, or even a fucking hug on my birthday. He didn't give a shit about me and I swore when I took you in, that I would care about you more than anything else in this world," Tony sighed, his shoulders relaxing and his face turning to a sad smile. Tears formed in her eyes as she excused herself from the table, walking to her room sobbing. Tony sighed and rubbed his face, trying to take in the situation. "You guys are still here?" He said looking around the table, "Go make yourselves useful and rest up. Great job today."

Peter knocked on the door and entered the room slowly, sitting on the bed where Y/N was curled up in blankets. "Why are you crying?" He asked, rubbing her back and pouting.

"Cos he hates me now, I just wanted to help," she muttered into her pillow. Peter laid next to her and spooned her, rubbing her arm and resting his chin on her shoulder.

"I know I shouldn't say this and I'm kind of still shocked.. but it was pretty amazing what you did back there. Why didn't you tell me?" He whispered, kissing her cheek softly. She rolled over and faced him, smiling and lifting the blankets up to let him in.

"I was scared you would tell Tony, and now I'm probably grounded for life," Y/N said groaning. Peter laughed and shook his head.

"He'll get used to it and plus, you kind of saved our asses back there so he can't stay angry forever. And Christmas is soon, you can't be grounded for Christmas," Peter laughed, giving her a quick peck and smiling.

"Now explain to me how the fuck, you managed to do what none of us could today," he laughed, Y/N lifting her hand up and electrifying her fingers and wiggling them.

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