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I sat at the community park, just collecting my thoughts. I had finished my first day of school today and I hated it. I thought i would have fun, but school is hard for and Antisocial, ADHD, Dyslexic kid.
The closest i got to someone talking to me was that weird kid who kept staring at me during Greek class.

I hear footsteps behind me and i saw someone I DEFINITELY didn't expect. Ms.Organa. "What are you—" but before I could finish, i saw something. Her face. SHE ONLY HAD ONE EYE. That definitely wasn't there earlier today.....was it? "Well.....little half-blood" Organa said "time to meet your death."

My eyes widened. "Wha—why are you—What did you call me?" I stuttered.

But before I could answer, someone yelled. "HEY! Leave her alone!!" I turned to see the boy that kept staring at me during class.

"ARE YOU STALKING ME?!" I asked him.

He blushed slightly but quickly shook his head "we have bigger issues." He said, nodding to ms.Organa.

I turned back to her and saw she was closer to me. She had her hand raised and suddenly i felt something hit my head. My sight got fuzzy and then everything went black.
I woke up in a bed. A bed I definitely didn't recognize. I slowly opened my eyes and was met with two faces hovering over mine.
The boy from school and a Blond girl with striking grey eyes.

"Are you ok?" The boy asked, the worry clear in his voice.

I nodded, slowly trying to take in my surroundings.

"Chiron!" The girl called "She's awake!"

I looked over to see a man in a wheelchair rolling over to the side of my bed. "Hello, Lyra" he said.

"Where am i?!?" I asked. I turned to the boy from school "Boy from school! did you kidnap me?!?"

He shook his head "No! I saved you! And my names Grover." He said.

"And im Annabeth!" The blond girl said. "Lyra," The man said, who is named Chiron. "You are safe now. We are not going to hurt you. We have some explanations to tell you."

"Here! Drink this!" The girl said. She handed me a cup of liquid.

I was parched so i drank it. It tasted good, like chocolate covered strawberries. I instantly felt better. Weird. "Whats going on?" I asked.

The man sighed. "You are at Camp Half-Blood. Its a camp for half Human, Half god or goddess kids to come." Chiron said.

My eyes widened "wait! gods as in Zeus and Hades?! They don't exist!" I said.

"They do, Lyra. You're one of the goddess's child." Chiron said.

I didn't know what to say. "Theres no way im some goddesses daughter. My parents died! Dead! Forever! Leaving me in the dreaded orphanage." I said.

Grover had a pained look on his face. "Lyra, I know its hard to take in." He said.

"Who is my parent?" I asked.

Chiron shook his head. "No one knows yet. You have to be claimed. Until then you will stay in the Hermes cabin. Annabeth will show you." He said.

"Why cant i show he—" grover started to say but Chiron raised his hand for him to be quiet.

"Grover, you are not an official camper. Lyra is in shock. Annabeth will help her. And shes a girl so she will feel more comfortable" Chiron said.

"Come on. Ill show you!" Annabeth said, pulling me out of the bed. I still had my clothes from school on. "Right" annabeth said "ill get you some new clothes" She got me a pair of jean shorts and a orange shirt that said "camp half-blood". Then we walked to the cabins.

There was a lot of them. At least 13! But the one we went to was the most normal looking one. Cabin 11.

We walked in and there was a LOT of kids in it. A kid, about 17 with blond hair walked over. "Normal or undetermined?" He asked.

"Undetermined." Annabeth said.

All the kids groaned. "Jack, can you help Lyra get settled? I have archery." Annabeth said.

The boy, im guessing is Jack, shook his head. "Yeah! Come on!"
After i got settled in at Hermes cabin, the kids there freaked me out a little, I walked outside. It was late afternoon and the moon was starting to come out. Looked like a full moon. I loved the moon. When i was little i used to look at the moon and imagine that maybe someone else was looking at it too.

"Why are you staring at the moon?" A voice behind me asked. I turned to see Grover standing behind me. "I honestly dont know." I said. "Hey, Grover?"

His eyes lit up when i said his name "Yeah?"

"Who do you think my parent is?" I couldn't help but ask. The thought that i had a mom or dad out there made me happy, but mad at the same time that they never searched me out.

Grover looked at me for a moment but shook his head "I don't know" he said.

I sighed. "When will they claim me?" I asked.

"It's different for everyone. Some kids never get chosen." He said. "But the reason i came to find you is Its dinner time. " I nodded "Come on!" Grover said, waving for me to follow him. "Ill show you the way."
I couldn't help but smile at Grovers enthusiasm.
I sat at the overly crowded Hermes table. Each cabin had their own table.

Annabeth sat with some other kids that had her blond hair and grey eyes. I found out through Grover that her moms Athena.

Well,' I thought 'Athena is definitely not my mom. I dont have Blond hair or grey eyes'.

Grover sat over at table three with a Dark headed boy. If it wasn't for Grover that boy wouldn't have anyone to sit with.

I figured out that every cabin has some kids in it except 1,2 and 8. Cabin 3, the one the dark headed kid is from, only has one kid.

We had to put half our food into a fire for the gods. Apparently they liked the smell. I put a Apple int he flames 'umm,' it thought 'who ever is listening. Please claim me!"

After dinner we had a camp fire. The kids from cabin 7, The Apollo cabin, led a sing along.

It was dark and the moon was big and bright out.

I sat beside Annabeth. Grover and The dark headed boy made their way over to us. "Lyra," annabeth said "this is Percy." She gestured to the dark headed boy. He had sea green eyes.

"Hey!" Percy said, moving is hand in a small wave.

"Hello." I said. I still wasn't good in social settings.

Grover made his way and sat beside me. Thats when I noticed. Grover had hooves. I tried not to stare but it was strange. He saw me looking and blushed. "Im a Satyr." He said.
I noticed he had little horns on his head too. I felt bad about embarrassing him. I really like Grover.

I was about to reply when someone spilt something down my back. I gasped and jumped up, turning around to see a girl with a devilish smile on her face.

"Oops" she said, faking a huge pout "I didn't mean too."

"Why would you do that?!?" I asked. My blood boiling. By now the entire camp stopped singing and was watching us.

She rolled her eyes and chuckled "I didn't do anything, Cat eyes" she said.

I got even madder at the mention of my Yellowish eyes. "Shut UP!!!" I yelled.

Suddenly, the moon flickered. Like literally, the light of the moon turned off and back on!! Everyone gasped.

Suddenly I realized they were looking at something above my head. I looked up to see the faint hologram of a moon above my head.

Grover went wide eyed and gasped. "Y-your—oh my gods!" He stuttered. "What?!" I asked. "Artemis." Chiron announced "goddess of the moon, hunting, wild animals and wilderness. I present, Lyra Mally! Daughter of Artemis!" Thats when Grover passed out. <>☾<>

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