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Ya know when theres a bully and the teachers always tell you to "kill them with kindness"? Well, I tried but it didn't work. I just ended up getting hurt even more.

I was walking past cabin 5 (Ares cabin) when The girl from the bonfire, who spilt a drink all over me, called me over to her. She had two other girls with her. Im guessing they were her half sisters "Hey, Cat eyes." The girl, who is named Clarisse, said

."Hello?" I said, confused as to why she was talking to me.

"Ya know, my dad dislikes your mom." Clarrise said.

"Why?" I asked

."Because she thinks Aphrodite is dumb for ever wanting anything to do with a guy, especially my dad." Clarrise said.

I snorted but quickly wishes I didn't because Clarrise grabbed the coller of my shirt. "You think its funny?!"

"Well, Im not sure why she would say that.....your dad must be lovely." I said sarcastically but apparently they didn't catch that part.

Clarrise let go of my shirt "thats what I thought."

"What's going on?"I turned around to see Percy standing there with his arms crossed over his chest. Percy always seemed nice. Grover was there too, a look of worry on his face. Percy was the one who spoke.

"None of your business, fish-boy" Clarrise said, a glare on her face.

I was getting tired of her being mean."You know what, Clarrise! You could try being nice! It wouldn't kill you!" I said. "Just cause your dads a jerk doesn't mean you have to be!"

"Well, at least my parent claimed me!" Clarrise yelled.

I rolled my eyes "my mom did claim me."

"Thats not what i meant. Artemis usually finds her daughters and invites them to be hunters. Clearly she didn't care about you enough to do that so she let you come to camp half-blood." Clarrise said. "She clearly doesn't want you!"

I felt a tear fall down my face. I quickly ran to my cabin, ignoring Percy and Grovers calls for me to come back. I sat down on my bed and put my head in my hands and let the tears fall. Was it true my mom didn't want me? Why would she not want me? Im no different than any other half-blood.

"Lyra?" I looked up to see Grover standing there, his face sad.

I quickly wiped my eyes dry and tried to fake a smile. "Yeah?" I asked.

"Are you ok?" He asked

'Oh yeah! Totally! My mom doesn't want me and i have no family' is what I wanted to say but I couldn't say it. I just shook my head and put my head back in my hands and let the tears fall. Again.

Grover sat beside me. He put his arm around me and i cried into his shirt. "Why— doesn't she —want me?" I said between sobs.

Grover sighed and made me look up and face him. "Stop saying things like that. She probably just didn't know where you were. Who wouldn't want you." He said, a reassuring smile on his face.

I smiled slightly at his words and hugged him, and i felt his arms wrap around me and hug me back.We pulled away and he wiped away some tears off my face with his thumb. "It'll be ok, Lyra. I—I'll always be here for you." He said.His words made me smile.

"Thank you, Grover."

"You're welcome"

I sat alone at my table that night at dinner. Grover insisted he sit with me but i told him that I would be ok and he could sit with Percy.

Before we ate I put some food in the offering. Some strawberries.Mom' i said 'if you can hear me, im not that mad at you. I just wish i could meet you sometime.'

After dinner everyone sat around the campfire. The Apollo kids, who were technically my cousin since Artemis and Apollo are twins, led the sing along.I sat with Percy, Grover and Annabeth. After a while Me and Annabeth left and took a walk through the woods. The woods was comforting.

"I heard that Clarrise stepped out of line today." Annabeth said.

I shrugged "yeah..."

"What happened?" She asked.

I sighed and looked at a big juniper tree and walked over underneath and sat down. Annabeth followed."She said my mom didn't want me. That Artemis usually makes her daughters her Hunters and they dont even come to camp" i said

."Well, thats not true. Even if she didnt want you, we would still be here for you." Annabeth said.

I smiled "thats what Grover said. He found me in my cabin Crying."

Annabeth smiled "Grover did say he took care of you."

I nodded.Suddenly above us, something in the tree rustled and something fell into my lap. A baby bird?!

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