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Percy POV

I was at the big house, talking to Chiron about Artemis's arrival. Its a big deal to have a goddess come. Especially to retrieve a child of theirs.

I heard Annabeths voice calling me. I saw her peeking in the front door, looking for me.

"In here!" I yelled, calling her to the kitchen.
She walked in and I could tell something was wrong. She had a sad glint in her grey eyes.
"What's wrong?"

She sighed "have you seen Grover today?" She asked.

I thought about it but then I realized that I haven't. Thats weird.  "No."

"Well." She sighed before going on


"Wait," i said, obviously confused. "So you're saying that Grover and Lyra were together and we didn't know?" I asked.

Annabeth nodded. "Yes"

I ran my hand through my hair. "Our best friends were dating? And we didn't know?" I asked.

Annabeth rolled her eyes in annoyance "for the last time, yes! I have to go. Lyra is still in the strawberry field waiting for me." She said and then she left.

I sighed and went to find Grover. He wasn't at any cabins or at the water side. I went to walk through the forest.

I walked a while past Zeus's fist when i saw someone on the ground, in the fetal position, asleep. It was Grover.

I could tell by his eyes he had been crying. They were red and swollen. His freckles cheeks were stained with drops of agony.

I shook him a little "Grover?"
He mumbled something that I couldn't decipher.
I shook him again, this time a little harder.

"Forgive me, Lyra." I heard him mumble. He rolled to the other side of his body.

"Grover!!" I finally yelled.

He shot up, his puffy eyes wide and alert. "Oh, its just you" he said, relaxing a bit while he wiped his sleepy eyes.

"Why were you out here? And why does it look like you've been crying?" I asked him. I knew about all he said to Lyra, but if he was telling the truth why would he be sad? Unless...

Grover shrugged "its-its complicated. Anyway, what time is it?" He asked as he stood up.

I looked at my watch "12:25"

Grover grimaced "i slept in. Oh man. I was supposed to go retrieve a Half-blood at a school in manhattan." He said.

"You're going to leave so soon....after-"

"After what?!" He asked. I think he knew i know.

"Lyra told Annabeth and Annabeth told me." I said.

Grover sighed and closed his eyes "Percy, you have to understand. I love her. I always have. But i had to. She couldn't give anything up for me. I wouldn't forgive myself. She needs to be a hunter." He said. I could tell he was trying not to cry again.

I nodded "I understand, i do. But you didn't have to do what you did. She is heartbroken. And by the look of it, you are too" i said.

Grover sighed. "She will be gone Sunday. Ill be back Monday. Tell her im sorry." He said as he walked off.

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