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It was the day. The day that my mom comes. Part of me was excited, the other part wanted to curl up in a hole and die.

I woke up, took my first shower since everything happened and put on my Camp Half-Blood shirt and pink jean shorts. I know, it clashed, but I didn't care!

Everyone sat at the amphitheater. My mom and the rest of her hunters should be back anytime now.
I sat on the front row between Percy and Annabeth.
My leg kept bouncing up and down. Normally Grover would be here to stop it. But he wasn't.
We heard Chiron blow in his trumpet. Announcing that my Mother and her hunters were here.

I let out a shaky breath.

Annabeth looked at me "it'll all be ok. She's nice!" She said.

I nodded as Annabeth turned her attention back to the group of young girls who made their way into the amphitheater.

"Attention all Campers!! We are all pleased to welcome Artemis and the rest if her hunters back to Camp Half Blood!" Chiron said. Everyone started clapping, but me.

"Hey," Percy said to Annabeth with a smile "theres Thalia!!"

I saw who they were talking about. It was a girl. Around my age, with dark, short hair. She wore a lot of black and she was up near the front beside a young girl.

The girl beside Thalia was maybe 12-11 and she had auburn hair and......yellow eyes. Thats my mom.

"Thats my mom isn't it?" I asked Annabeth, pointing to the yellow eyed girl.

Annabeth nodded.

My breathing quickened. I started biting my nails in nervousness.

"Hello!" My mom said to everyone. "Thank you all! The camp looks amazing! Now, I understand that my daughter is here?"

I froze and everyone looked at me. Oh no.
Annabeth pushed me to stand and I walked over to her.

My mom smiled. That relaxed me a bit. "Have you made your decision?" She asked me.

My blood froze. I didn't know what to do. Oh no. Oh no. I could feel my throat closing. "I-i" is all i said before i booked it. I ran away. That may seem childish, but if you were in my situation, you would too.

I heard the entire camp start whispering and murmuring behind me.

"LYRA!" I heard Percy and Annabeth yell. "WAIT!"

I didn't listen i just ran. I ran as fast as possible. I ran to the one place that i have always found peace. Even though its where i was hurt. I find peace there.

I ran to the Juniper tree.


AN: dont worry. Its not the end! <3

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