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Annabeth, Percy and I sat beside Grover. He was still passed out and Chiron had some Ares kids carry him to Percy's cabin until he woke up.

"Why did he pass out?" I asked Annabeth and Percy.

Annabeth rolled her eyes "he has this obsession with Artemis and her hunters" she said.

I chuckled and felt my face get a little red. "He's gonna stalk me now, isn't he?" I asked as I raised an eye brow.

Percy laughed "probably. He probably wont leave you alone!"That wouldn't be so bad.

"I knew your eyes looked familiar" Annabeth said "your mom has the same eyes."

"You met my mom?" I asked, a little shocked.

Annabeth nodded. "Yeah. She was nice, just hated most boys."

"I always thought it was a medical condition..." i said, thinking about all the weird looks i used to get because of my eyes. "I always thought i was weird because of them...."

"I think their beautiful."I turned to see Grover awake and looking at me.

My face grew a bit red but i dont know why. "Thanks, Grover. You're not gonna faint again......right?" I said.

Grover shook his head "hope not."


"Hey!" Percy said to grover "dont go stalking Lyra! She might just send a arrow through ya if you accidentally scare her."

Grovers eyes went wide and I chuckled "its ok, Grover. I wont shoot you......as long as you dont stalk me." I said.

He nodded in understanding.

"Now, im going to my new cabin! Goodnight everyone!" I said to the three and left Percy's cabin.I headed to cabin 8. All my possessions have already been bought in.At night the cabin seemed to glow. "Cool" i said to myself. Ive never had a room to myself. It was always shared with some other girls at the orphanage.
I was awoken by someone knocking on my cabin door. "LYRA!!" Someone yelled through the door. "ANNABETH WANT TO TALK TO YOU!!"

I sighed and opened the door. There stood Grover with a smile on his face. He was taller than me and i had to look up to see his face. Yes, yes i know. Im short. Really short. Too short for a 14 year old.

I smirked "why does she want to speak to me?"

Grover shrugged. "No clue. But she's at the archery range waiting. Come on!" Grover said, already running away, wanting me to follow.

"Grover!" I yelled.

He stopped and turned back around. "Yeah?!"

I spread my arms out to reveal i was still in a sweatshirt and pajama pants. "I need to change. Ill be there in a minute!" I yelled to him.

He nodded. "Ill wait here!"
I chuckled and closed the door to change.

Grover showed me the way to the archery range. And there annabeth was waiting

. "Lyra!" She said "i need your help!"

I furrowed my eyebrows "why do you need my help?" I asked

."Wellllll. I was hoping you could.....maybe.....teach percy archery...." Annabeth said.

I chuckled "we dont even know if im any good at it yet. Ive never even picked up a bow." I said.

Grover handed me a bow, where he got it i have no idea. "Try!" He said.

I sighed. "Fine. Make sure everyone in a mile radius is gone so i dont shoot them" i said, jokingly. No one laughed.

I put a arrow on the string and drew it back. Somehow, it felt natural. I saw the target about 50 yards away. It was your typical White and red one.I let out a breath of air and let the arrow fly. It landed about 4 inches from the bullseye.

My eyes went wide. "I had no clue I could do that!" I said, stunned.

Annabeth smiled. "You're Artemis's kid. She's amazing with a Bow." She said.

Grovers smile was even bigger than Annabeth's (if that's possible). "I knew you could do it!" He said and gave me a hug.

Causing my face to turn a deep shade of red."Its not that big a deal....." I mumbled

."Yeah, well I think Grover just wanted to hug you." Annabeth said.

Grover quickly pulled away from the hug and had a blush on his face. "Shut up....."

Annabeth giggled.

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