After you had gotten out of the shower and changed into a (f/c) sweater and new jeans, you slipped your feet into some fuzzy socks. You then grabbed a pair of boots quickly from the closet, walking out of your room and into the hallway. You slowly pushed the door open to Sarge's room, peeking inside. He was still asleep, but you knew you had to wake him up so he could do his business outside. He did eat a while ago, so I'm sure he's gotta pee. You stepped into the room quietly, kneeling down on the floor in front of your puppy. You gently petted his head, rubbing his ears and running your hand down his back. His tail slowly began to thump against the carpet, making you giggle. "Wake up, baby. I gotta take you outside for a while." He slowly opened his eyes, your (e/c) ones meeting with his bright amber. You booped his nose, causing him to sit up and look at you curiously. "You ready", you asked, pushing yourself up from the ground. Sarge stood up with you, stretching before following you out of the room and down the stairs. The sound of his paws thumping down the steps gave you a sense of comfort. Your house had been quiet for so long before you left for Empire City, and now there was finally some life in it again; making it a home. You made your way through the kitchen and pushed the back door open, shivering at the cold air that hit you in the face. "Jesus..." You stood in the doorway, waiting for Sarge to walk out. He jumped into the snow, making the powdery substance fly everywhere. You giggled, sitting on the patio and pulling your knees to your chest. You sighed, watching as your breath rolled out in front of you in the frosty air. Even though it was freezing, you had to admit that the snow was beautiful. It covered the ground like a thick blanket, hiding your patio steps completely. You jumped slightly at the feeling of Sarge's cold nose against your hand and you looked down at him curiously. "What? Go and do your business, I won't watch", you said with a chuckle. He snorted, his eyes glancing to your left. You turned your head to see what he was staring at. There was a figure standing in the snow and you gasped, standing up and waddling over to it.
    "Well, hello, stranger." You laughed, smiling brightly at the sound of Garnet's rich voice. "Glad to see you back...even though I knew you were here already." You wrapped your arms around her waist and she hugged you back, smoothing your (h/c) hair down.
    "How is everyone", you asked, looking up at her. The gem adjusted her visors, pinching your nose.
    "Why don't you come and see for yourself?" You blushed softly, puffing out your cheeks.
    "I-I would but—", you sighed, looking down at your feet, "Amethyst is probably still upset with me, and I didn't even give the others a reason as to why I left..." Garnet hummed before picking you up and walking over to your patio. She sat you down and then took a seat next to you, crossing her long legs.
    "I understand. I'll keep your whereabouts a secret for now, but I'm sure Steven would be ecstatic to see you." You chuckled softly, looking up from your hands to see Sarge finally doing his business. He had dug a little trench before doing so.
    "Yeah, I know. But I'll come and see him at some point. I just want to make sure I'm completely okay before I do so." Garnet nodded, pursing her lips.
    "What is the name of the new creature you've obtained?"
    "That's my new puppy", you said with a small smile. "His name is Sergeant, but for short I call him Sarge. Would you like to meet him?"
    "I would", the fusion answered with a chuckle. You called Sarge over to which he slowly walked over, never taking his eyes off of Garnet. He was growling lowly, his eyes narrowed.
    "Hey, hey, easy", you said, petting his nose. "This is Garnet. She's my friend. Well...she's my friends", you said with a laugh. Sarge moved closer to the gem, sniffing around her before allowing her to pet him. His tail began to wag slowly before he laid down in between the two of you, finally relaxed.
    "He's very protective of you", Garnet mused, patting Sarge's back. "That may come in handy later on."
    "Why do you say that", you asked curiously, rubbing your hands together.
    "Just a hunch", Garnet said with a smirk before standing up. "I have to go, but I'll come and see you later." You nodded, standing up as well and brushing snow off of you.
    "Alright. See you later, Garnet."

Jasper x Fem! Reader (NOT FINISHED, may continue at a later date)Where stories live. Discover now