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{DISCLAIMER BEFORE YOU READ THIS BOOK! The plot and story move fast, this is because it is meant to be a short story. WSC took me a year to complete, mostly because I didn't fully plan out the plot, and the first half of it I was just winging it. I don't want to go through that again so this story will be shorter. So if you don't necessarily like stories that move fast then you might wanna skip this one.

Gasping and coughing, a girl in under clothes wearing a string with a crystal on it around her neck came up from the freezing cold water and crawled on the sand. Then a boy with the same necklace followed behind, laying out, trying to catch his breath.
It was dark and the stars were out, twinkling brightly.
"Esmere..." The girl breathed. "Are... You okay?"
The boy, Esmere, gulped and nodded vigorously.
"I... told you not to go near the undertow." She continued. "Let me see."
Esmere sighed and held out his left forearm. It was covered with red scrapes and bruises.
"I'll be fine, just gotta wrap it up. Do you still have the corals, Rue?"
Rue shook her head, clenching her brown eyes shut, though in the darkness they looked as black as can be. "I dropped them. Come on, it's late and we have to get back before dad."
After Rue helped Esmere to his feet, they followed a short path up the hill to where their speeder and clothes were. They pulled them on quickly then hopped onto the speeder, with Rue in the front and Esmere holding onto her. Thankfully, their home wasn't too far away from the coast so it wouldn't take long to get there. As a result, they arrived on the side of their small home that was hidden in the trees, cold and damp. None of the lights were on. Is it really that late?
"Do you think either of them are even here?" Rue asked, hopping off the speeder before Esmere.
"I don't know, good thing we know the code though." He shrugged as he and his sister went up to the front door. He typed in the code on the keypad:


And the door slid to the side, revealing the moonlit sitting room as well as part of the kitchen. Both of them sighed in content when they stepped inside, feeling the nice warm air. Rue typed in another code on the keypad:


Making it close behind them.
"Whisper in case they are here..." Rue said in a quiet voice to her brother to which Esmere nodded and they crept silently across the sitting room to the hallway, taking careful steps. They stopped suddenly when one of the wooden floorboards Esmere had stepped on creaked loudly. He exhaled slowly then stepped again, away from the loud floorboard and Rue followed him closely.
Reaching the hallway, the sister and brother ran towards the end to the door of their shared bedroom. However, they didn't know that the door to the master bedroom was open wide.
That was their only mistake.

"Aarue... Esmere..." Called a honeyed voice from inside the large room. "Where have you been? You both were supposed to be home four hours ago."
"Karabast!" Rue cursed under her breath. The two backed up until they met the door, a person was sitting at the bay window with their legs crossed facing it.
"So?" They pushed.
"We went to the seaside." Rue sighed.

"And you went without notifying me?"

"Yeah..." Esmere confirmed.
The person sighed. "Alright then. For a week you aren't allowed to go coral collecting after school. Actually, make it three. And you're not allowed to use the speeder either."
"What?!" Rue and Esmere exclaimed in unison.
"Doing something without notification is not something I tolerate."
"Come on, please! Let us a little loose!" Esmere rolled his green-brown eyes.
"No. This is the third time you've been late this month. And I get worried, and worrying makes me stressed. And if you go to the shore at all during the three weeks and lie to me then you won't get to go for an entire year. Do I make myself clear?"
"Crystal." The siblings answered.
"Now that is out of the way..." Their mother, Eclypse Solo, turned around to grin at them with her arms out wide. "Come here and let me hug you, my Stars..."
Aarue and Esmere smiled and ran to her, attacking her with open arms. She laughed returning it all the same but frowned, feeling that their clothes were damp. "You two didn't even dry off properly." She scoffed. "This is one of the reasons why you two still haven't graduated from Stars to Moons."
"Technically Mom, I'm already a moon because my name means 'Dark Moon.'" Esmere said in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Sadly, my Star..." Eclypse started. "It doesn't count."
Ever since the twins were born, Eclypse has called them her Stars and when they were a little older she told them that once they did certain things proving maturity then she considered them ready to explore all the galaxy on their own as long as they came home; or in other words, Moons.
"Well, go to bed now, before your father is home which is not that long from now." Their mother released them and they both kissed her on the right cheek where four faded scars were leading from her mid-cheek up to above her eye. They don't know why or how the scars came to be but never paid any mind or asked any questions. Who knows what memories could be attached to those five scars? (the fifth being some sort of gash/burn mark that was really deep on her right temple)
"Love you, Mom." Aarue beamed leaving out the door followed by Esmere after he said the same.


Seeing that their dad would be home soon, the twins showered and dressed in sleeping clothes then proceeded to study; tomorrow in history they would be moving on from the Galactic and Obscurist Empires and Rebel war to the First Order, Obscurist and Resistance war. That war had ended almost fifteen years ago and it was a wonderful thing Pillo wasn't involved in it. As soon as the Premier Ministre(Prime Minister in Galactic Basic) knew that they might end up in the middle of the fight she put a block around the planet. No one could leave or enter. And immediately after it was over, it was lifted and people could come and go.

"Snoke is an odd name." Rue snickered to herself as she laid back and read in her history book.
"I know. Who would name their child that?" Esmere scoffed looking up from his book. His arm was now bandaged. "If Mom and Dad named me 'Snoke' or 'Sheev' I would never forgive them. I'd be okay with 'Kylo' though."
"I think I would be satisfied if I were named 'Estrada', who was the first Empress of the Obscuries, or 'Nova', who was the last." Rue added thoughtfully. "But I'm happy with Aarue. And I can call you Eszy whenever I want." She smirked at her brother who groaned. "Don't start. I hate that nickname. Because that was from when we were barely learning to walk and talk. I'm done with the name 'Eszy'."
"Alright then." She shrugged. "Wait did you hear that?"
The front door had opened and closed and they could both hear it from inside their room.
"Esmere, you know the drill."
As Esmere did what he was told and laid back under the covers, pretending to be asleep, Rue waved her hand twice; the first lifting the books into the air and putting them on the shelf above their desks, the second switched off their bedside reading lights. She was just in time to copy her brother's actions when heavy footsteps came down the hallway.
There was a knock on the door then it opened.
"I know you aren't asleep."

"Karabast!" This time it was Esmere who cursed. The twins both sat up and their father, Ben Solo, switched on the room light with a smirk. "What did you do?"
"Came home four hours late," Rue said simply. "Now we can't go to the shore for three weeks."
"Could you please talk some sense into her?" Esmere asked.
"No, I agree with her, end of discussion. Now, go to sleep before I get in trouble for keeping you up."
Ben went to leave but Esmere said: "WAIT. You know the rules."
He grinned then hugged them both.
"Goodnight, Troublemakers."
"Night." They replied.
Ben turned the light off then closed and door behind him.

Rue sighed. "We were so close that time."
"Maybe it's because you are so bad at pretending." Esmere joked.
His sister gasped and threw her pillow at him which hit him directly in the face. "Take it back!"
"Never!" He threw his at her in return.
Right when Rue was about to throw his pillow back a voice from outside their door said:

"Go to bed!"

They froze then bursted into fits of laughter, unable to control it.
Tomorrow morning would definitely be a hard one.

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