Curiosity piqued, Bucky questioned, "Where are you headed?"

"Just to meet an old friend. I invited her over," Steve replied, leaning in to kiss Bucky before departing.

Left alone with my thoughts, I found solace in solitude and allowed my tears to flow freely. As I made my way to the kitchen for a glass of water, I overheard Sharon's disdainful words.

"Wow, who is that girl? She seems a little crazy, doesn't she? Almost like a little monster," Sharon remarked, her eyes fixed on me.

The room fell silent as everyone turned their attention to me, and my tears welled up once more.

"And too sensitive... don't cry! It was just a joke," Sharon continued, oblivious to the impact of her words.

Enraged, I took a step toward her, but Loki swiftly grasped my arm, pulling me into a protective embrace. I resisted, pushing him away, and grabbed a glass of water instead.

"I think this girl isn't very happy," Sharon commented, her tone dripping with condescension.

"Oh no, I'm feeling fantastic! I mean, who doesn't enjoy being shoved into lockers, beaten, and choked on the ground until they can't breathe? It's just a regular day, right?" I retorted sarcastically, unable to contain my anger.

Sharon persisted, unfazed by my response, "Aww, she can talk! What's your name?"

"None of your business! You... you bitch!" I fired back, my emotions getting the best of me.

Steve interjected, attempting to defuse the situation, "Y/N..."

"Monster!" Sharon sneered in response.

Unable to contain my frustration, I hurled the glass at her, but she deftly evaded it.

"Y/N!" Steve called out sternly, reprimanding me for my actions.

"Woah, Y/N!" Sharon exclaimed with a mocking tone.

Overwhelmed by the turmoil, I fled upstairs, seeking solace in the privacy of my room. Yet, my attempts to calm down proved futile, driving me back downstairs in search of the breathing aid. However, Steve caught hold of my arm, his grip unyielding.

"Say sorry!" he demanded, preventing my escape.

Struggling to breathe and break free, I found myself succumbing to unconsciousness within seconds. Luckily, Bucky rushed to my aid, utilizing the breathing aid to revive me a few minutes later.

As I regained consciousness, Bucky greeted me anxiously, "Hey, hey, hey! How are you feeling? Better?"

Nodding weakly, I found comfort in his warm embrace. The clock struck 8 p.m., and I settled onto Bucky's lap while the rest of the group gathered to watch a movie.

By 10 p.m., exhaustion set in, and I expressed my fatigue, prompting Bucky to stand up. Steve assured me he would join me in five minutes. I lay down, murmuring, "I don't like Sharon. She's such a... difficult person."

Bucky smiled, gently brushing the hair away from my face, and advised, "Well, I agree with you, but let's not use that word. It's not polite."

Stucky's daughter Where stories live. Discover now