17th February (Yoon)

369 12 1

Dear Jiminie,

I'm really sorry that I suddenly stopped writing to you... My mother died and following after six months my father passed away as well...

Although I never liked them and always hated them, I was in a really sticky situation these two years.

I didn't really have the time to write to you. But always remember Jiminie, Yoonie loves you.

But unplatonically... I'm sorry...



Jimin was grinning ear to ear with tears in his eyes. "I love you too!" It was really the happiest day of his life.

A/N: my babies yoonmin are so fvkn precious... Don't touch me I'm crying... TvT

I'm kinda having second thoughts about yoonminseok... Its my otp but would it fit the story? Will it ruin it?


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