19th August

224 12 0

Dear Jinnie,

You left your polaroid and all of our albums here.

At first I thought that it was just because you forgot them. I'm sorry Jinnie, I'm probably overthinking but....

Did you leave them because you wanted to forget that we were even friends?

No, you wouldn't do that. I know my Jinnie. At least I have our memories with me. They are the only things that keep me from breaking down.

I'm just hoping you'd write to me... I don't think you want to, but for some reason I think you will.

It's been eight months Jinnie. Eight months without you... Eight months, and I still didn't get a single letter...

Where are you Jinnie? Are you okay?

I miss you so much Jinnie... Please write to me...

Even though this letter is never reaching to you, I just want to say I love you Jinnie. I miss you so much that it hurts...

I've turned more snappy towards everyone and get pissed in remote matters. Yesterday I even snapped at Tae... I don't even know why...

The worst part is, he was just worried about me... I yelled at Kookie too... I don't know what's happening to me Jinnie... Kook took me to a therapist yesterday...

She told me I need antidepressants... I don't know what's happening to me Jinnie... I just know that I miss you so much that I can't live without you.

Please write to me Jinnie...


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