10th February

215 8 2

A/N: stop playing the song

Trigger warning... Slight Horror

I'm marking this (M). So don't report because I've already warned you.

Dear Joonie,

Um... Welllllll. Okay I'm dumb. You win.

I'll tell you what happened.

So after all the students (except us) left, the staff closed the school.

That's when we split up to search the whole school down. Bad idea... Yes I know! Don't scold me!

I forgot about my Autophobia... The place I ended up in was really dark... really Joonie...

Remembering that, makes me want to cry again. Yes I cried...

There were skeletons Joonie! Skeletons! I wanted to scream but couldn't..

I ended up in a room which locked itself from outside. I screamed for help. The skeletons looked so disgusting, old, distorted and scary...

They had eyes Joonie! Eyes! Those were human eyes... Of different colors... It made them look more terrifying...

I screamed, I had a panic attack and passed out. I don't remember for how long...

But you wouldn't believe what else happened... Now I'm giving the pen to Hwannie because he can explain this the best.

Dear Namjoon,

Well.. as Jin said... I decided to search the two storied building from upstairs... Bad idea...

I heard voices, but shrugged them off.. Bad idea as well...

Those sounded like cries.. or more like pained moans of animals. Yes, animals...

I never knew why was the second floor banned. It didn't even have a barrier!

I looked through one of the windows of a classroom, there was a student... dead... hanged to the fan...

The corpse looked so old and I had the urge to scream, but couldn't. I walked towards from where the sounds were coming.

There were dogs... rabies infected dogs... almost dead. They were eating some of the corpses. I guess the school's authorities sent them here.

The corpses might be infected and harmful to come in contact with, that's why half-dead rabies infected dogs.

Where the fuck did they even find them?!

I was so scared when a dog looked my way and was walking towards me. I ran...

I ran and locked myself inside a room. BAD. FUCKING. IDEA.

There was a corpse... of a teacher. She was still alive... almost dead. It seemed like she drank the chemicals. I then realized that I was inside a lab room.

She was laughing at me through her distorted face. I passed out...

Now to Jimin.

Dear Joon,

My experience was the scariest...

I was assigned to search the teachers' rooms and all other staff rooms. Jin was assigned the downstairs classrooms, Hwan was upstairs.

When I was searching the rooms, I found nothing. Well I found drugs, but that's it.

When I was going to search the last room.. well it took me like five hours to search the halls and teachers rooms. The only room left was the janitor's room.

I heard footsteps... I quickly hid inside the closet.

Okay I'm not explaining what happened, but it was even terrifying than KenJin's experience.

I had to listen to the head teacher and a slut teacher fuck! Eww. Two heteros screwing... On top of that they were old people!

I had to listen to old people screwing... Is this what my life has become?

Well after they were done, they locked the door. I was panicked at that.

I was in haste to open the closet that i bumped my head and passed out...

Back to Jinnie.

Dear Joonie,

When I woke up, it was due to Hwannie forcing the door open. He saw my shoe outside, so he opened the door.

I screamed when I found out that I was on top of the skeletons. I jumped on to Hwan because I was really scared.

It was horrifying.

He told me that he was upstairs for three days... I was out for three days?

Guess I really need sleep.

Then we went on a search party for Jimin. Consisting of two people.

The whole school was empty... I had the phobia of darkness... It was night...

We heard knocks from the Janitor's room, so we opened it. That's when we found Jimin.

After a really emotional and teary meeting, we explained to each other what happened.

Then decided that we need to leave ASAP.

But it was night, so we waited until morning.

These were our five days at hell... Figures out we didn't even bring our phones to expose the school...

We are dumb we know.

After we reached Jimin's house, the first thing I did was cry and then shower and then sleep. Jimin and Jaehwan did the same.

After that I forgot about writing to you...
I was just focused on the graduation and leaving this hellhole.

After the school opened again, we searched the whole school down again.

We were stuck for two days, but we found nothing. Everything was cleaned up. I felt so angry Joonie!

So the innocent lives that committed suicide were going to be termed missing??

I hate this place even more now.

Miss you even more as I write this letter Joonie...



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