12th September

212 10 1

Dear Namjoon,

First of all, happy birthday!

I really shouldn't be doing this on your birthday..  but I can't help it and you have the right to know...

Jin probably told you about the dream I suppose?

And I'm sure he didn't tell you the whole story...

Yesterday night Jinnie called me to sleep over at his because he was 'sad, cold and lonely'. So I fell asleep with Jinnie yesterday.

He woke up today with tear stains on his face and crying. I asked what was wrong, he explained the whole dream to me.

I rubbed his back and reassured him. But then his mom walked into the room... At the wrong timing I may add...

Jin was repeating the same incoherent sentences over and over. I kept rocking him back and forth to help him stop crying, but he was literally sobbing on me, holding on to me.

He kept repeating, "Need Joonie! Bring Joonie..." Then his mom asked what was going on. He ignored her because he was in a headspace where he blocked out the whole world except for him and me.

He said, "Jiminie, bring Joonie. I need Joonie!" I patted his head to stop him from having a panic attack.

But his mom yelled at him. Called him a crybaby, said that he was dependent on you and he could do nothing in his life and that he was a disgrace to the family.

She said that right in front of me... Mrs. Kim used to be really nice... Was that an act? Or did she really change suddenly?

She even slapped Jin on the face when he won't stop crying... I never wanted to murder a woman... I swear... But this woman didn't just dare to slap Jin...

I did nothing, for Jin's sake. He's literally like a younger brother to me and it breaks my heart to see him like this...

I cried Joon... His sobbing brought back memories of Yoongi... The way he was crying and just demanding for you, he looked so vulnerable...

Seokjin takes antidepressants Namjoon... Ever since two months passed and you didn't reply... he's been taking them...

I'm worried about him... His family doesn't know. Jin and I also don't want them to know. They don't deserve him...

Joon fucking reply! Just one letter... Please...
Just please...


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