15th August

248 12 3

A/N: Imagine that's how they used to be before Jinnie left for Gwacheon ^

Dear Joonie,

Jiminie keeps feeding me nuts I-
He says I look like a hamster or a chipmunk, so I should eat nuts. I really can't with him...

When I refused to eat nuts, he shoved them inside my mouth. If I didn't look like a chipmunk before, I sure did then.

My face turned so red. Everyone in the cafeteria were laughing and saying that I'm adorable. It was so embarrassing! I hate him. *pouts*

Even Hobi joined him. He was trying to shove more nuts in my mouth! Chan and Baek were just enjoying the show. Why are all of my friends like this?

Stop laughing! You're the same!

You're lucky that I love you.

I miss you Joonie :(
Don't stop smiling <3


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