"Try to keep up!" Hawks said to them as he flew off.

"HUH?!" _____ watched as he flew off leaving them there as Tokoyami jumped off the balcony flying as well.

"Why'd I have to get this guy.." she whined as she cut her leg with her blade and got enough blood for wings starting to fly after them.

Thanks to making bat type of wings she was able to fly faster and reached their side.

"Oh wow you're fast Birdie! Didnt know you could do that." Hawks said looking at her self-made wings.

"For the last time my names _____!" She said annoyed as a rumble goes on in one part of the city as they just head over there.

Two villains were attacking people taking their money.

Hawks just stopped them easily with his feathers and returned the money back to the people as he fixed the setting.
He tossed the villains to the police who arrived a moment later.

"...we didn't get to do anything he's so fast.." _____ said.

"Ya. You get use to it." Tokoyami said sighing.

"Hey Birdie! Tokoyami! Come on" Hawks said already flying off as they followed.

______ dried her thigh's wound so she didn't spill anymore blood, just flying with them but it was tiring her out a little using her quirk so fast.

Hawks noticed her slowing down. He just flew to the top of a building and stopped as Tokoyami got on top as well.

"Why did we stop?" He asked.
_____ got to the roof too and just dropped her blood on the ground.

Her hands were shaking as she just took a fast break.

"You don't use those wings often do you? Does your quirk have a limit to its amount?" Hawks asked her.

"I don't usually fly like a fucking idiot in circles. And yes it does." She said annoyed.

Hawks smirked looking at her as Tokoyami and Dark Shadow watched as he walked over to her.

"That's quite a tongue you got there. I'll let it slide just this once. But we're not just flying in circles. We just scouted half the city twice. We'll get to the next part soon then come back again and scout even more. People cause problems at every moment. You can't let your quirk hold you back. Find another way to follow us if you won't keep up." Hawks said to her.

She glared but looked away.

"I'm fine. I can keep up." She said and used her quirk picking up the spilled blood and creating wings as she looked at him.

He smirked at her persistence and just fell off the building.

______ just followed behind him.

Tokoyami sighed as Dark shadow was worried for _____ pushing herself.

"She'll be fine. I see a repetition in Hawk's teaching style." Tokoyami told Dark Shadow as he then followed behind them.

They flew around more.

Tokoyami got to _____'s side.

"If you want you can rest, I can just send you our location later." He offered.

"...I'm fine" she said just concentrating on her quirk.

Hawks looked behind him seeing the two next to eachother but then a fire ball was thrown out of no where.

He looked down and all of them saw a man on fire destroying stores and attacking random people.

Hawks flew down but ______ just dropped her wings to fall faster then him as she immediately used her blood to form a lasso and grabbed a flying car before it hit a group of kids.

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