Clint chimed in, his words laced with sarcasm, "That will take a looooong time!"

Natasha shot him an angry glare, and Thor approached, holding my face with a firm grip, preventing any further resistance. They persisted in their efforts to feed me, until a piece of food lodged in my windpipe, causing me to cough uncontrollably. Gasping for breath, I collapsed to the floor, coughing violently.

The Avengers rushed to my aid, desperately attempting to help me regain control of my breathing. Amidst the chaos, Loki managed to assist me, and as my breathing steadied, I cast a resentful glance around the room, my words laced with bitterness, "That's all your fault!"

In a huff, I stood up and ascended the stairs, tears welling in my eyes. Bucky followed me into the room, concern etched across his face. I looked at him, my vulnerability on full display, as tears streamed down my face.

He enveloped me in a comforting embrace, and I reciprocated, seeking solace in his arms. The weight of our shared apologies hung heavily in the air, as we both sought forgiveness and understanding.

Bucky whispered softly, his voice filled with remorse, "We just wanted to bring you to eat..."

I choked out an apology, my voice filled with vulnerability, "I know... I'm sorry."

We held each other, finding solace in our shared understanding and compassion. Exhaustion washed over me, and I fell asleep in Bucky's comforting embrace.

Moments later, I heard Steve calling my name, gently nudging me awake from my slumber. I rubbed my eyes and faced my dads, their expressions filled with concern and weariness.

Steve urged, "Y/n... Missy, wake up."

I groggily responded, my voice heavy with drowsiness, "Hm?"

Steve persisted, "Come on, stand up."

With a reluctant sigh, I begrudgingly complied, slowly rising to my feet. We made our way downstairs together, the heaviness of fatigue still clinging to my limbs.

As we descended, Loki's voice greeted us with a mischievous tone, "Aww, she's awake."

I glanced at him and found solace in the warm embrace of Peter, seeking a sense of comfort amidst the overwhelming emotions that swirled within me.

As the rest of the Avengers gathered around, I felt a familiar tension in the air. I tried to immerse myself in the conversations, finding brief distractions to temporarily dull the ache in my heart. Yet, the weight of the hate texts I had received lingered in the depths of my mind, casting a shadow over the momentary respite.

Unable to fully escape the pain, I found solace in retreating to my parents' room. My refuge lay in the soft embrace of Peter's lap, his presence a soothing balm to the wounds that had been inflicted upon my spirit.

In the quiet solitude of the room, I succumbed to the allure of the hate-filled messages, subjecting myself to their toxicity. Each word cut deep, carving wounds that intensified the ache within me.

The hours passed, and as I immersed myself in the sea of negativity, my dads' concerned voices beckoned me back to reality. They entered the room, their presence a reminder of the love and support that surrounded me.

Steve's voice broke through the silence, filled with genuine worry, "Y/n, what are you doing?"

Caught off guard, I hastily concealed the messages, my eyes betraying a hint of guilt. Silence hung in the air for a moment as I struggled to find my voice.

Bucky's tone carried a mixture of firmness and concern, "It's not healthy for you to dwell on those messages, Y/n."

My gaze fell to the floor, shame washing over me. I whispered, my voice barely audible, "I know... I'm sorry."

Bucky wrapped his arms around me, his embrace a reminder of the unwavering love he held for me. Together, we embraced the silence, allowing the weight of our shared pain and sorrow to bind us closer.

Steve interjected, his voice filled with compassion, "Y/n, remember that those words don't define you. We know who you truly are, and we love you unconditionally."

His words echoed in the depths of my soul, resonating with a truth I had momentarily lost sight of. I looked up, tears brimming in my eyes, and nodded in acknowledgment.

Bucky held me tighter, his touch grounding me in the present moment. We sat there, surrounded by the love and support of my dads, as they reassured me of their unwavering devotion.

In the depths of that embrace, I found strength, hope, and a renewed determination to rise above the negativity that threatened to consume me. Though the road to healing would be challenging, I knew I could rely on the love of my dads and the support of my chosen family to guide me through the darkest of times.

As the day wore on, we ventured downstairs, the weight of our collective experiences serving as a reminder of the bonds we shared. Through the trials and tribulations, we continued to navigate the intricacies of our relationships, fueled by a love that transcended all obstacles.

In the midst of it all, a glimmer of hope emerged, a flicker of resilience that would carry us forward on our journey of healing. And as we faced the trials that awaited us, we knew that together, we could weather any storm that came our way.


I love you guys ✌🏻❣️

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