Doom or blessing?

Start from the beginning

Arthit pulls up the hanging sleeves of his baby pink hoodie, and checks time in his wrist watch. It's 9'0 clock. He has atleast an hour before he need to leave to meet his gang. Plenty of time to get ready. Nodding, he makes his way to the young master and shakes his head seeing the other wearing only a thin white shirt.

" why didn't you changed in something warm?? It's freezing here", Arthit complains, letting the other snuggle into his baby pink hoodie claded chest. It is normal between them after years of doing the same. No one bats an eyelash seeing the two in embrace anymore.

"Just because", Kongpob mumbled, lost in thoughts.

Arthit can sense uneasiness rolling his young master's frame. He don't need to be a Sherlock to know the upheaval of thoughts running inside younger one's mind. Also, he is not unknown to the reason behind these turbulence of musings. But he is helpless. Even though he wants to, he could not help the other in any way cause he is afraid that he would become greedy and won't be able to suggest anything without holding any prejudice. Afraid that he would break the trust of his ideal, his mentor. Thus, he just remains there, beside his young master, sharing off his warmth with the later as he keeps looking at the sky. Letting the silence blanket them.


"Hmm",the elder gently cardes his fingers through the silky waves.

"Por has chosen someone for me", Kongpob's voice is so feeble, so small like a lost child.

Arthit's hand stopped for few moments, before it resumes their caressing," I know, young master. Alec seems a good guy". He felt his heart squeezing inside his chest, a sharp sting making its presence known. Suffering of being in unrequited love is one thing but witnessing your love becoming someone else....Arthit can't put in words how tormented his soul is. He feels his heart dying every second.

"Today, he picked me up after college and took me out for a coffee", the younger one informed.

"That..that's good. Ain't it?? Aigoo our young master has grown so much !!! Going on dates and all", Arthit ruffles the brunette strands playfully, hoping to ease other's mood. But his laugh stucked in his throat when he caught glimpse of damp lashes. Alarmed, he crooked his finger under other's chin and tilt his head up, meeting the glassy brown orbs," hoi Kongpob!!! What happened??? Why are you crying??? Did...did Alec misbehaved??"

Arthit felt his blood boiled with the mere thought. But instant relief poured when met with a shake.

"No P'Arthit. It's nothing of that sort. He..He was good...polite"

Arthit gives him a perplexed look at the reply," I don't understand. Are you upset that he is polite?? But that's a good thing, right??"

Kongpob sighs. He don't know how to word out what actually is going inside him. He is feeling extremely exhausted, mentally as well as emotionally. He waves his hand in air as he tries to explain," how do I explain to you?? doesn't feel right"

" What do you mean ??", Arthit grabs later's hand and his eyes widens realising how cold they were," heyyy!!! Your hand is completely iced. Here, put it inside hoodie pockets"

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