Chapter XXXV ~ Joshua

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I was about to knock and wake her up but the door was slightly ajar already. When I came in, only Thonia was on the bed sleeping and somehow smiling in her dream I wished I was in. Water rushed in the bathroom where Asaila probably was having a bath. I walked near Thonia and gazed at her. She was so beautiful and peaceful so I did not want to disturb her. I took the book she was reading in the library before on the bedside table and gently tucked the checklist between the pages. Before leaving, I kissed her forehead again and whispered, "I love you."


I was going nuts. Seriously going nuts.

The following school day, I hadn't seen Thonia. She wasn't in the class before my Chemistry and not in Speech and Lit; that made me worry so much.

"What's wrong?" Kennard placed an arm around my shoulder while we walked out of Math class.

I shook my head, hadn't told anyone about Thonia and me until I got to talk to her first. I had to make sure she was not just caught of the moment and felt harassed to say she loved me. Although it was in her voice and eyes that she meant everything—the kiss and all. I hoped I was not wrong.

Kennard went to his next class then I walked to the cafeteria to look for Asaila, big chance she knew where Thonia was. Not in the cafeteria. I went to the playground and saw just a couple making out despite the bad weather. Not in the playground. I went to the garden but still no sign. My last chance was the library.

It was my fault I did not text or chat her after I went home. I was afraid that she would take everything back. May called my name on my way. "Have you seen Thonia?" she said while holding a clear file portfolio.

I shook my head. "I was looking for her."

May looked at me with fun and suspicion. "I don't know why you have to find her but can you please give this to her when you do?" I took the file and went to the library, ignoring my sister's suspicions.

I found no one special in the library except for Sofie, the short girl with glasses and ponytail. "Joshua," she said and walked over to me. "We received a message from Sir Deni about the annual activity for Christmas. We were having trouble looking for sponsors and possible activity for the outreach. If you know someone please suggest it."

I nodded, that was probably what they talked about in the meeting this morning that I failed to attend. "I'll try," I said, although I honestly did not know if I would be able to help.

I was about to go again when a girl who was reading a thin hard bound book put it down and caught my attention. She was Asaila. Asaila was so focused on the History book that she did not even notice I was sitting on the same table with her. "A," I said. I was not used to call her with the nickname but since everyone else did, I thought I should get used to it especially when Thonia and I became together officially, she would become part of my every day.

"Oh, Josh, hey." She just looked at me for a split of second and went back reading. "Did you know that Anne Frank was more probably betrayed by their old ally?" She was reading The Diary of a Young Girl which I had read and studied with my father before.

"That they were hidden inside a secret annex."

She grinned at me. "Yeah, and you know, I will totally love someone instantly who will tell me that he knows Anne Frank and other historical figures." She added, "Of course, not you."

Disregarding the question behind my head about her already having a boyfriend, I asked, "Where's Thonia?"

That question caught her fully and let the book rest on the table. "Why?"

Metanoia: A Change of HeartHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin