Forty Three

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trigger warning ⚠️ :
use of the word r*pe multiple times

also, sorry for mistakes guys i feel like there's a lot! so bare w me


Cameron POV

Nothing can ever go right in this family. If we get a single moment of peace, we should be bracing ourselves for the worst storm of our lives to follow directly after. Every single time.

My reaction wasn't explosive when security came to the scene. And I didn't explode when Anthony came out of the fitting room, unsuspecting of murder due to his usual black attire—if it weren't for the bloody footprints he was leaving behind as he surrendered to the security.

I can only be grateful that his arrest was nothing like the last time, where they beat him with no regard. The police were called, they came, and they arrested him. That was it. There was no extra screaming, taunting, or yelling. There was no big scene. They came, they arrested him and we stood by and watched in tears.

Ant didn't say much either. He didn't say much to me, our children, or the police. If anything, he was talking to himself. I could see his mouth moving, but couldn't hear anything he was saying.

I could sit here, as we're waiting on Tyler to come pick us up, and think about how the dreams and expectations I had for Anthony's return were crushed before they could even begin. I could think about how our time together was short lived. I could think about how impulsive he is, with no regard to any of us at all. But, for once, every concern I have about Anthony is not my priority. It's my son who I'm concerned about.

Aj is sitting on the curb, watching the police cars pull off with his daddy, with tears in his eyes. He refuses to make eye contact with anyone at all. He's staring into the distance, silent, with tears running down his face. I tried to put a hand on his back a couple minutes ago, but he very demandingly shook his head 'no' and turned away from me. I want to comfort him, but above all I want to respect his wishes, and if that means I have to bare watching him from afar, with a million and one questions in my head, I'll do it.

Taleah is sitting right next to him, though. She has her arms around his arm, hugging him tight. I'm standing right behind them, one hand on my back for support, getting stares from bystanders for two reasons—for what Anthony did, and because I'm a very obviously pregnant male standing outside. I'm trying not to cry each time I catch someone staring at my son crying on the curb, or each time I catch someone staring at me—staring at my stomach. I'm scared, but Tyler is about two minutes away. I just have to wait it out until then.

Like I said, Tyler pulls up to Macys, quickly getting out of the car with no disguise which only makes people stare even more. We need to move fast before his presence causes unwanted attention—not like there's any attention being desired, per say.

"What happen?!" Ty asks, running up to us. "Let's go. Get in the car. Come on." He says, probably realizing that he's being spotted. He grabs my hand, and grabs Leah's hand off the floor pulling both her and Aj up, and gets us in the car. Pierre pulls off right as a crowd starts to form, attempting to chase after the car, which they're not very successful in. Tyler asks us what happened again.

"What's going on? They took Ant?"

I nod.

Ty puts his hands up in confusion, "What happened? What did he do?" He asks frantically.

I rub my lips together. I need a second. I'm not sure if I have a voice right now and I think I might start sobbing if I attempt to use it. My body is feeling kind of weird as well, and I'm trying my absolute best to remain calm before anything happens. I need to focus on not getting my body worked up in the state it's in. So, I tap Taleah to signal her to tell him.

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