The first thing I take notice of when we get to the room Rue is usually in, is the two security guard she always got there. Imma have to think about that too, I can't be stupid. "Want to have a seat? Im sure you have questions for me." She asks.

"No." I don't need any of her answers. I don't care to know. It's probably gonna be bullshit answers for the questions I have.

"Really? No questions about protections? You're duty? How we discovered the floating bodies in the river...?" She asks.


"Well that was easy!" She cheers with a smile. "Okay, Anthony! I knew I liked you. You know, I'm sorry for cutting your vacation short a couple hours, but business is business. And speaking of business, this is what I need you to do..."

She hands me a big ass box of pills. "Drive up to Portsmouth. Drop ninety percent of these pills to the address on the bottom. They're expected to pay 700 grand up front. Then the other pills, you need to hand it out to whoever is out. Whoever you see. The homeless, teens, people coming from work, doesn't matter. Okay. It's easy work. You're gonna make 350k off of easy work." She smiles.

I'm not handing out no fucking drugs. That's weird on her part. Why you try a get people involved with shit they wasn't even worried about in the first place? "Fuck is this?" I ask. She keeps the smile on her face and narrows her eyes at me.

"You ever been high Anthony? A real high. A high that you feel like you can conquer anything? Any sadness in your body—gone! The colors of the world start popping out at you and you're just like...woah! Has everything always been this vibrant? A high where your body just tingles, while you get lost in a daze. The coldest nights feeling like the peak of Spring? Happy like you've got a million bucks. No weed needed." She smirks. "You can always help yourself, Anthony. You know that." She shrugs. "But that's what that is. The key to life—the key to happiness."

Ain't no fucking key to happiness. All this is is another drug to get random niggas addicted to. I'm gonna sell the shit to the address on the box, but I'm not giving this to people, especially not no kid. Whoever buying it can advertise it themself. I don't care. And if she find out, I don't care then either. Shit don't matter. I'm stringing this bitch along until I figure out the smartest way to kill her.

As I turn around to leave, she stops me, "Oh sorry," she begins, "How's Cameron? Happy to see you wasn't he?"

I turn around. "Don't ask me about him." I say. The sound of his name coming out her mouth don't sit right with me, and this better be the last time she say it. For real.

She chuckles. "Noted. What will happen if I do?"

Oh, she testing me. She really testing me. "You wanna find out?" I ask, inching toward her. This bitch don't know how close to the edge I am. The way my temper set up today, it could easily be my last day. I ain't even tryna be dramatic. I don't know how much longer I could take her smart ass comments without putting a bullet in her face. She say something else, Imma fucking do it. And I'll be happy I did even when them niggas behind her doing the same shit to me. I don't give a fuck no more. This shit ain't worth shit. Nigga this life ain't worth shit. This bitch keeping tabs on me to blackmail me, so she probably got eyes on me and my family no matter where I'm at. I'm stressing myself and everybody else out with my shit. I could put an end to all this shit if I put myself up. And that's exactly what I'm bout to do. Not because I'm consciously doing it with my head and heart in it, but because I'm watching myself stand in front of the bitch and reach into the top of my jeans, and grip my gun, and it's nothing I can do.

Unpredictable Match 2Where stories live. Discover now