Of Brides and Gods

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A short headcanon featuring Hermaphrodite!Yuuji and OG!Sukuna.

This is part of the Shotadori Fest.

Ryoumen Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji.


Shotadori is the Bride of Ryoumen Sukuna, the God of Curses. Although his title was frightening, Sukuna sometimes brought luck to does he favours. Exhibit A was the village Yuuji was born in.

There was a prophecy known to many far and wide about the Bride of Sukuna. According to the Ancient Priestess, they were the reincarnated soul of someone close to the God when he was human thousands of years ago.

When Yuuji was born, he was identified as the reincarnated soul by the marks on his face. They were identical to that of Sukuna's, as seen on his statues and in drawings. 

On the day he was born, Sukuna's favored servant, Uraume, came down with four, veiled others behind them, each barring a gift.

Yuuji's parents were told that when he clocked eight years old, Uraume was coming to take the boy to Sukuna.

Not having a choice, Yuuji's parents used those years wisely and spent every waking hour with their son.

Yuuji's eight birthday came and Uraume came to collect him. The young boy was dressed in a beautiful pink kimono and a veil covered his face.

It was a tearful goodbye, but Yuuji had always known about his duty. If he didn't go with Uraume, calamity would befall the village.

With a brave face, he followed Uraume. They entered into a carriage that was on the back of a great beast and made their way to Sukuna's domain.

In the palace of Sukuna, there Yuuji stayed. He thought he would meet Sukuna soon, but he never showed - for years to be precise.

Yuuji was assigned Choso and his brothers as his personal servants. They, along with Uraume, were the one who truly welcomed him and treated him like an equal. It wasn't long before he was calling Choso "nii chan" making the dark haired Curse to shed tears of happiness.

Yuuji was taught about his history. Who he was before he died and who he was to Sukuna. He was taught how to be a good wife also, as well as being trained in the act of combat. 

When Yuuji was twelve, he finally bested Choso and his brothers, to the joy of them.

That night, they snuck him out to a festival happening in one of the villages. Uraume was greatly displeased, but Yuuji's cute pout had them letting it go, but they told Yuuji it won't be repeating itself again, to which the boy just nodded.

Over the years, Yuuji got stronger. He bested most of the greatest high grade Curses in Sukuna's domain. Although powerful in his own might, Yuuji seemed to never grow. Like, at all.

At the age of fourteen, the teen was still small in statue and seemed to not have lost any of his baby fat. At first he was worried that he was eating too much, but Uraume assured him that it was perfectly fine. It was just that the moment he unlocked his powers, he began to age slowly. So Yuuji would be looking like that for some few years to come.

On his fifteen birthday, Yuuji finally met Sukuna. The teen won't lie and say he wasn't intimidated by Sukuna. The God was HUGE, almost reaching 3 meters.

Sukuna was hesitant to meet Yuuji. He was afraid (even though he won't say so) that his presence close to Yuuji might see him dead again, but he soon got over his fears.

Yuuji's bubbly and sunshine nature was still as bright as it was in the past, and it wasn't long before Sukuna fell in love with him all over again (he also denied that).

Yuuji also fell for the God. If one were to look past Sukuna's frightening appearance, cold demeanour and bloodthirsty nature, the god was actually charming.

Sukuna finally said "fuck it" and decided to do the one thing he failed to do in the past: Court Yuuji properly.

It was funny to the pinket, seeing as he WAS married to the God, but he went along with it.

Said courting didn't even last two months before Sukuna had them properly wedded, not that Yuuji minded. The sexual tension between both of them had gotten too much.

Sukuna took Yuuji softly, not wanting to hurt the small immortal who wasn't even half his size. At the moment, Yuuji could only take one of his cocks, and even that was too much. It made his cunt to stretch wide at the grith and his belly to bulge at the size of it all. 

With Yuuji's moans and whimpers of encouragement, Sukuna took what was his, marking him for the whole world to see as he flooded Yuuji's womb with his cursed seed.

Months later saw the arrival of the first set of their twins, and three years another set.

Sukuna, like the pervert he was, took great pleasure in fucking and impregnating Yuuji with his children again and again, only leaving a year or two interval for Yuuji to recover.

It wasn't until their 10th and 11th child, and Yuuji threatening him of castration, that Sukuna finally let up, although not without a pout.

My Jujutsu Kaisen Headcanons and Short PornsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon