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A short headcanon with some Heian Period AU drama💖

Fushigoro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji; Fushigoro Toji


AU in which Yuuji is the Omega child of Ryoumen and Megumi is the heir of the Zen'in clan.

The two met when Ryoumen was signing a peace treaty with the then Head of the family, falling in love with each other at first sight.The two began to send messages to each other through ravens, exchanging their wishes and love for one another.

Megumi made his plans of marrying known to Toji, who supported his son whole heartedly, grinning in amusement at his son's behaviour.

Before Megumi could carry out said plans, tragedy befell the Zen'in clan. 95% of them were wiped out, leaving a handful of them along with some of the elders.

The elders had no choice but to appoint Toji as the new head of the clan. According to them, Megumi was still too young, and Toji had more experiences in battle.

To aid them in battle, the elders reached out to Ryoumen with a marriage proposal: Toji, who's the new Head of the clan, with his Omegan son, Yuuji, coming together to seal the alliance permanently.

Ryoumen saw it as a great deal. In addition, he saw Toji as a great warrior and respected him greatly, so he gladly accepted the proposal with the Zen'in clan. 

Like every father, Ryoumen wanted what was best for his son, and this he saw as a gift from the gods.

Yuuji at first protested against the union, stating that he and Megumi were already in love and were making plans for their engagement. His confession had his brother, Sukuna, and father raging. The Omega stated that seeing as Megumi was the heir and the next in line to inherit the family, there was no problem with their marriage. But Ryoumen and Sukuna would hear none of it. 

In the end, Yuuji gave up, heeding to the commands of his father and brother.

Megumi's reaction to the news was... explosive. The teen was feral in his attempt to kill his father, rage spilling out of him at the perceived betrayal from Toji after Megumi had confided in him. Of course he lost to Toji, but the already strained relationship between father and son became non-existent.

Megumi and Yuuji stopped having contact with each other after that day. The heir of the Zen'in clan became cold and distant, as did Yuuji.

The wedding between Toji and Yuuji was like any formal affair. It was just them fulfilling the tasks given to them.

With the help of Ryoumen's army, tge Zen'in clan decimated their enemies, coming out of the blood bath with flawless victory.

As it was expected of them after their copulation on their wedding night, Toji and Yuuji begot a child - in fact, twins to be precise.

Yuuji felt absolutely nothing for them. Of course he gave them attention and took care of them perfectly, but it was an obligation required of him.

Toji didn't even offer much help in the upbringing of the children. It was counted as a miracle if Toji was even the vicinity of them.

Megumi... Megumi just walked away and never looked back. He was unable to, seeing as all it did was bring pain and hatred.

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