An Incubus' Prey

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A short headcanon featuring Incubus!Yuuji and rich boy Megumi.

Fushigoro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji.


Yuuji was a budding Incubus sent out to catch his first prey. He was finally 100 years old, finally an adult and no longer required to feed on artificial lust from his brother, Sukuna. And so, the young virgin made his way into the mortal world.

He made the decision to chose a young raven haired teen who was standing out on a balcony. From the building alone, Yuuji knew that the mortal was wealthy.

From what Sukuna told him, wealthy humans were the weakest link - or was it the lonely ones? Yuuji had honestly forgotten.

With conviction, he flew over to the human. Immediately the mortal laid his eyes on Yuuji, he put the teen into a trance by kissing him.

Yuuji moaned at the taste the mortal gave out. It was simply too DELICIOUS.

Yuuji led the human into his room and gently laid him on the large bed. The incubus got on top of the toned mortal, his wings spread out. 

Yuuji got he and the mortal undressed with a snap of his fingers, rendering their clothes into nothing.

He gave the human the blow job of their life, massaging his cock with his throat and kicking his length from head to bottom with his studded tongue. His oral technique had the mortal moaning and groaning. His years of practice with his elder brother really proved to be useful.

When the mortal came in his mouth, Yuuji felt strength and power like no other. He moaned around the pulsing cock in delight, drinking every single drop of the mortal's essence. 

He moved back and gazed at the panting mortal with glowing amber eyes. 

More. He wanted more.

He managed to coax the teen to get hard again whilst prepping himself open. Once that thick cock head entered him, Yuuji couldn’t help but choke out a gasp.

By Satan, he was HUGE.

Yuuji had to slowly lower himself and when he finally bottomed out, he was trembling. His legs were shaking and his breathe came out heavily. 

He took it slow at first, working himself open, but the mortal started thrusting his hips up, getting his prostate head on.

Soon, he was moaning out loud, his arms fighting to keep him up.

The room was filled with the loud and lewd sounds of skin slapping heavily against skin, synchronised with Yuuji's loud moans, mewls and occasional screams and the mortal's grunts, groans and cusses. 

It didn't take long for Yuuji to cum. His ass tightening and sucking the mortal in deeper had the raven haired teen throwing his head back on the pillow with a loud cuss and cumming in Yuuji.

The mortal's essence had the incubus throwing his head back with a choked moan, his eyes going wide. The inflow of that warm and powerful essence into his being had him cumming again. His body felt so GOOD.

When the mortal stopped cumming, so did Yuuji. He collapsed on the mortal, not caring about the cum on their persons. Both of them were panting so heavily, gasping for breathe.

Yuuji only had a minute or two before he snapped up, head turning to the door.

"Ah. I was wondering why I felt the energy of a Lusty coming from your room. Looks like you caught yourself quiet a prey, Megumi."

The man leaning on the edge of the door was nothing short of glorious. He had a build body build and the tight black shirt on him showed off his impressive muscles. He wore a baggy white sweat pants and he was bare footed. He had a head full of shaggy black hair and emerald eyes, just like Yuuji's prey.

What threw Yuuji off were the pair of black wolf ears instead of human ears. Yuuji came to a sudden realization that the man before him was a-

"Raijū!" Yuuji exclaimed and tried to get up, but instead, his hips were grabbed and he was slammed back down on the hard cock still in him. "Ah!"

He looked back down at his prey with wide eyes, which went wider at the sight of the mortal. Well, demon now.

His prey - Megumi, had two-toned ears (white and black) and his emerald eyes were wolf slits.

Megumi's fingers dug into Yuuji's skin, drawing small blood, and his grip on Yuuji's hips tightened. His expression twisted into a sinister one and he grinned up at Yuuji with sharp teeth. 

"Who said we were done?" Megumi thrusted his hips, jabbing at Yuuji's prostate and getting a scream from the pinket. "You wanted energy, didn't you?" Megumi stood up and whispered into Yuuji's ear, "I'll fill you till you burst with it." before nipping his ear.

With a chuckled, Toji walked out of his son's bedroom, the sounds of beautiful screams and the sound of sex echoing behind him.

Hours later saw Yuuji staring blanking at the chandelier above. He was boneless and fucked out. He realised through his hazy thoughts that he made a dam good choice.

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