Shrine of Fate

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A short headcanon featuring Demon Prince!Megumi and Human!Yuuji.

Fushigoro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji.


Yuuji always wondered if he angered the gods or someone to be blessed with such horrible luck. His life had always been a mess, no matter what he tried. Happiness had never been a constant thing in his life. His world was mostly filled with gray and gloom, but he just smiled through the bad and the horrible.

Before he died, Yuuji's grandfather told him about the family house in a small rural village. Yuuji at first was put off in living in a small populated area with little technology, but when he was on the verge of being homeless, he said fuck it and he used the last of his cash to move to the village.

The house was in a good condition, even after 8 years of no one living there. It turned out that the neighbours helped in cleaning the surroundings, clearing the weeds and the rest.

Yuuji cleaned up the place, with the help of some kind neighbours. They gave him foods from their farms, feeling sorry for the nice boy who smiled through his problems. 

Yuuji explored the area and safe to say he loved the area. He started helping those with farms, getting food stuffs as payment.

Two months into his stay there, things started getting... weird. Yuuji would swear on his life that he saw dogs moving in the shadow, watching him with glowing red eyes. 

At first he though he was hallucinating, but one midnight, Yuuji woke up to a big black dog staring at him. Naturally, he screamed of course, backing away to the wall. The big black bastard just woofed, his tongue rolling to the side.

And from there began Yuuji's nightmare. 

He couldn't sleep well because of the stares the dog gave to him, and said dog followed him day and night, unseen by others.

Yuuji couldn't help but wonder if he had truly gone insane.

Then, things went weirder.

The owner of the pesky dog was no other than the fucking demon Prince, Megumi.

To say the demon was a bane to Yuuji's existence was an UNDERSTATEMENT. He was more annoying than his cousin, Sukuna.

There was no day Megumi didn't try to undress him. He was always trying to get into Yuuji's pants. As a reply, Yuuji simply punched him, knocking him back. But unfortunately that just turned Megumi on the more. 

There was no night Megumi didn't sleep on the large futon with Yuuji, staring at him whist his head was perched on his fisted hand. Every night, Yuuji was afraid that if he slept, Megumi would have his way with his virgin ass.

After a few weeks, Megumi got a clue. Sure, he didn't leave, but he stopped trying to fuck Yuuji against every wall he saw - but he sure as hell didn't stop molesting the pinket every given second.

Megumi outright told Yuuji that he was his, going as far as laying marks on Yuuji's neck every morning. Said marks warranted questions that Yuuji brushed off with nervous and awkward chuckles. But it seemed that didn't satisfy the demon bastard. Megumi took on the form of a large black and white husky with green eyes and started following Yuuji around. The villagers were afraid of Megumi, and rightfully so, but Yuuji put them at ease.

Megumi tended to growl when people came to close to Yuuji, but the pinket just glared at him and used a finger to tap his nose in a scold.

Months passed and Yuuji couldn’t help but fall in live with Megumi. He didn't know why the demon chose him as an interest and was going as far as staying with him like a partner would, instead of just taking what he wanted and leave.

Yuuji was afraid that Megumi was just leading him on, but the dark haired demon told him that he too felt the same way for Yuuji.

In an abandoned shrine in Shibuya, Yuuji tended to a demon puppy. The pinket ran into said shrine because of the rain and he found the wolf pup. Yuuji remembered tearing a piece of his hoodie and wrapping the pup's cut leg with it. Thankfully, it wasn't bad. The two waited in the shrine for the storm to pass. Yuuji remembered putting the pup into his hoodie for warmth, their head sticking out. Yuuji fed the pup some of his meat based snack and gave him water from his water bottle to drink.

Unknowingly to Yuuji, Megumi witnessed everything. Turned out that the pup accidentally teleported out of hell and the Prince was there to get him.

Megumi watched Yuuji doze off with the pup in his hoodie, protecting them. When Yuuji fully slept off, Megumi appeared and took them gently from the pinket. Megumi then placed a peach petal in Yuuji's hand as thanks.

Yuuji was surprised that the demon dog that stalked him was the pup he saved that day. He was also kinda awestruck with love, as well as creeped out that Megumi had been tailing him after that day, watching him as well as protecting him. 

Yuuji couldn’t help but wonder if Megumi was the cause of his bad luck. But he shrugged it off.

With their feelings for each other now in the open, the demon and mortal began a relationship.

Yuuji now loved his life. He had a wonderful lover - who he also introduced to his neighbours and was warmly welcomed by them - who would kill to see him smile; an overgrown puppy of a hellhound and a peaceful environment. He finally had it all.

But when had his luck ever been considerate?

As he lay dying on the grass floor, buildings burning around him with the sounds of Megumi's roar, Yuuji wondered what his crime was to receive such treatment.

"Yuuji!" Megumi, who was drenched in the blood of the Sorcerers who came to kill the demon rumoured to be in the village, ran to the dying mortal.

Yuuji had a deep wound on his chest, near his heart. The Sorcerers used the pinket as a bait to draw Megumi out. In the end, they wanted him gone too even though they had the demon Prince in their grasps.

The fight between Megumi and the Sorcerers was tough that the village was also razed down. Not that Megumi cared. One of them called these people and they all had to pay the consequences.

Shiki, Yuuji's demon hound, was wrapped around his  master, whining and butting his nose against Yuuji's face.

Megumi grabbed the pinket into his arms and held him against his body. He moved to heal Yuuji, but the pinket's soul was gone.

"Yuuji?" Megumi softly called out, looking into dead and dull amber eyes. "Oi... Yuuji, wake up." He gently tapped the pinket's cheek. "Yuuji! Please wake up!" Megumi yelled.

The raven called out his name, tears falling down his eyes.

"Please! Please don't do this to me!" He buried his face in Yuuji's hair with a choked sob.

"Please... don't go... don't leave me..." Megumi whispered with a broken voice. 

The Prince moved back and he stared down at his lovers face. With a shaky smile, he placed a chaste kiss against Yuuji's cold lips. "I love you..." He whispered against those lips.

Megumi stayed there under the cold rain, his dead lover in his arm and the village burning with Hell Flames. 

Toji, the king of hell, later found his son 2 years later in their shrine in Shibuya, holding a skeleton dressed in a beautiful pink kimono.

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