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A sad AF headcanon featuring Sukuita 💖

Ryoumen Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji


AU in which Yuuji is a small and sick Omega yet he still catches the eyes of Sukuna. Even with Yuuji's constant sickness, he still stays by his side. 

When Yuuji finds out that he's pregnant, the couple are overjoyed. They start to prepare everything for the arrival of their child, but all is put on hold when Yuuji collapses one day while the couple are working on the nursery. Luckily, Sukuna catches him on time, and rushes him to the hospital. There, the two learn some shocking news.

Yuuji's pregnant with twins.

"No wonder I'm so big..." Yuuji whispers.

"Heh. Looks like my sperms were strong after all." Sukuna says with a smug smirk, getting a tired swat on the shoulder from Yuuji.

"But there's something else..." The doctor says, drawing the couple's attention.

Yuuji's smile dissipates like smoke at the expression of the doctor. He asks in a whisper, "What is it?"

"I... Itadori san, Ryoumen san, there is no easy way to say this but... Itadori san might not survive this."

"...what?" Sukuna asks in a deep baritone.

With a grim expression, the doctor explains how Yuuji's already weak and frail body wouldn’t survive the strain of having two babies. His heart could fail him due to the level of hormones, or his body could stop functioning properly due to the pregnancy AND his on and off illness.

Yuuji zones out. The voices in the room sound far away. It's as if his head is underwater and the words spoken sound gibberish and incoherent. 

The Omega is pulled out from his trance by the next words that comes out from the doctor's mouth.

"If we want to give Mr. Itadori a fighting chance of living, we have to terminate one of the babies."

The couple's eyes go wide in shock and disbelief. 

"What?" Sukuna whispers out.

"No." Yuuji says with a cold voice, drawing his husband's and the doctor's attention to him.

The Omega has a mighty glare on his face, his hands placed on his bulging stomach in protection. His scent is sore and heavy.

"Mr. Itadori, you don't seem to understand-"

"But I do." Yuuji cuts off the doctor with a stern tone. "You're asking me to end the life of one of my children, before said life even begins, in order to save mine, and my answer is no. I refuse"


The Omega cuts off his husband's words with a single glare.

"The answer is no, Sukuna. I choose them. And that's final."

Sukuna knows when to give up when it comes to Yuuji's stubbornness. Of course he still tries to convince his husband after that day, but Yuuji either yells at him for bringing it up, or he shakes his head at Sukuna, a sad smile on his lips.

As the months progress, Yuuji's stomach gets bigger and bigger with the children's growth, and the Omega gets weaker and weaker.

At month six, he couldn't walk or stand up for more than five minutes without anyone's help. At the seventh month, he's taken to a private hospital to be taken care of. 

Money isn't an issue. Sukuna's is even drawing in it, so he happily and without any hesitation gets the best care for his illing Omega.

From the eight month, Yuuji becomes bedridden, unable to get up from his bed without someone's help.

"Don't hate them." Yuuji says one day, looking up at the ceiling with tired eyes. 


Yuuji slowly turns his head and looks up into the eyes of his behemoth of a husband, who's gazing down at him with a soft, confused look, sitting down beside him, his hand held within Sukuna's calloused one.

"The children... please, don't hate them..." Yuuji squeezes Sukuna's hand, smiling tiredly at him. "Love them... cherish them... for me..."

Sukuna reaches forward and places a chaste kiss on Yuuji's pale forehead, a hand going to rest on the protruding bulge.

"For you, gaki, I'll try."

Yuuji closes his eyes, his lips stretching into a tired smile.

Hours later, Yuuji's looking at the screaming bundles in Sukuna's arms as he's being stitched back up. His eyes as shining with tears, which are slowing trailing down to the bed. His dimming amber eyes stare at his family in tired adoration.

Sukuna looks so gentle with them. They look so small in his arms, and the Alpha's so gentle with them, holding them like fragile glasses. The expression on his face... even though he looks so hard and roguish to others, Yuuji could see it so perfectly. 


With a shaky breath, Yuuji closes his eyes, knowing that he can finally sleep without any worries.

Minutes later sees Sukuna pacing outside the theatre Yuuji's in, his hair disheveled. The twins have been taken from him by nurses to get them cleaned up, so he's alone with his and Yuuji's friends and family. 

Two hoursclater finds Sukuna silently sobbing into Yuuji's hair, his arms holding his Omega close to him. 

The cooling body feels so wrong. So goddam wrong. As does the silence.

A week later sees a dead eyed Sukuna staring as the casket of his Omega is gently dropped into the ground, his slumbering children in his arms. 

As he feels the weight on his arms, he remembers the promise he made.

Hating them wouldn't bring Yuuji back. And besides, a promise is a promise. 

He just hopes that his love is enough.

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