A Lord and His Angel

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A short headcanon featuring Lord of Hell!Sukuna and Angel of Death!Yuuji.

Ryoumen Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji.


AU where Yuuji is the Angel of Death and Sukuna is the Lord of Hell. Sukuna has a crush on Yuuji (he'd deny that with his dying breath) and when Yuuji brings the souls of the damned to his realm, he tries to get the pinket to stay for a while.

Little by little, the two start going on dates - if you'd call it that. It's just mostly involves Sukuna taking Yuuji around the circles of his domain.

Now, when people think of Hell, they mostly thought of fire and brimstone. Hell is just like any other space in the universe. It has seven circles and only the seventh circle is used to hold the souls of those who had done horrible wrongs while on their stay on earth for the duration of their punishments before said souls either choose to be reincarnated or just cease to exist.

The other circles are filled with demons, who are either souls converted during their time in the seventh circle, or humans whisked from earth by their demon lovers. There are also Hell Born demons who are conceived and birthed in hell.

Sukuna takes Yuuji on a tour around each circle, skipping the seventh because he knows that Yuuji hates the sounds of those souls being tormented.

For the Angel of Death, he sure has a bleeding heart.

The two soon take their dates to the human world. It's strange to so many people to see a small, cute, bubbly pink haired teen dragging around a tall, buff and beefy man with a scary scowl on his face.

The two share their first kiss whilst in the air, flying over a bright and populated city, and Sukuna takes Yuuji's virginity under the blood moon months later.

Their relationship is kept secret from everyone. Well, almost everyone. The Lord of Heaven, Satoru, and his most trusted Archangel, Megumi, know about their romance. Megumi, who's also Yuuji's friend, is skeptical about it all, but after 10 years or so, he warms up to Sukuna - for Yuuji's sake.

After 200 years or so, the two finally come out to the Supernatural world with a big bang. 

Yuuji is with child. Twins to be specific. 

That has many foaming in the mouth. The sheer thought of the  power those two will possess frightened them.

Many try to kick against it, but they have no say in the matter. Going up against the Lord of Hell and THE Angel of Death himself is a DEATH SENTENCE. Heck, they even have the support of the Lord of Heaven. So, yeah, there isn't much they could say.

The two babies come out baring markings like thie father, as well as pink hair like their mother. When Sukuna first saw them, he felt the overwhelming feeling of possessiveness and love he only felt for Yuuji.

Safe to say that the two would be very much protected by not only two but FOUR powerful cosmic being. When the time finally comes, they will take over their parents positions. 


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