A Fae's Demon

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A short headcanon featuring Fae King!Yuuji and his Lover Demon King!Sukuna.

Day 1 of Sukuita Week 2021. Prompts: Blood || Kissing

Ryoumen Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji


Luminescent gold eyes stared down the kneeling figure below them. The shivering and shaking mortal had a clear look of terror on her face - and who could blame her?

Being in the presence of Itadori Yuuji, the infamous Fae of Death, and one of the world's strongest Supernatural Kings, was sure to make even a god quake in terror. She didn't know what she did to warrant such cruel fate such as being in his suffocating presence.

The Fae King was a glorious sight to behold. Short pink and black hair,  beautiful face that was marred with scars, outwardly eyes, toned body dressed in a red suit with a purple inner shirt. Yes, the King was ethereal, but that didn't lessen the dangerous aura he had around him.

Hell, even the soft smile he had on his scared lips made her spirit troubled and her mind screaming "DANGER!"

"So, you're the human whore who dared to touch what's mine." Yuuji said, his eyes taking on a dim glow. He was sitted majestically on his chair - more like throne - with his legs crossed and his fingers interlocking together, his arms resting on the smooth hands of the chair.

Megumi and Nobara were standing by his sides, their hands behind their backs. Megumi had an expression of disinterest, looking as if he wanted whatever that was going on to end quickly. Nobara had an amused look on her face that was sinister and bone chilling.

The Witch stared down at her Boss' prey with dark expectation. Her Werewolf colleague just stared at the woman with boredom.

"I- I- I!" The woman stuttered out, her eyes wide with fear. "I- I swear to you, Lord Yuuji, I would never do- do such thing!" She said, not knowing what in the hell he was on about.

Yuuji cocked a brow. "Are you calling me a liar, child?" He asked with an amsued voice, a small smirk on his lips.

"No- no my Lord!" She squeaked out, her trembling intensifying. 

Yuuji unwound his legs and slowly got from his extravagant chair. With his hands behind his back, he slowly walked down the small dias and over to the bound woman.

"From the evidence I have seen, and smelt, you're clearly lying, sweet child. " Yuuji started circling her like a tiger to an unfortunate prey.

"I- I honestly don't know what the hell you're talking about, you psycho!" She yells out and she instantly regretted it.

Nobara flickered from where she stood and suddenly appeared before the woman. She gave her a dirty slap that rang loudly in the large and lavish room, making the human to crash to the floor with a loud cry of pain.

The men on duty winced in sympathy. Most of them knew first hand how painful the hits of the woman with a large eye patch could be.

Nobara reached out and grabbed the woman's hair, dragging her up to her knees once more. The Witch looked down at the bleeding human with a deranged look, her one single eye staring straight into the terrified woman's eyes.

My Jujutsu Kaisen Headcanons and Short PornsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin