The Dragon God's Bride

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A slightly long headcanon featuring Omega Yuuji and Dragon God!Gojo.

Gojo Satoru/Itadori Yuuji


Yuuji lived in a village which saw omegas as curses and treated them horribly. Due to this, there weren't any omega except Yuuji. His grandfather died three months ago and it became hell on earth. Vandalism, insults, crop stealing, you name it. Yuuji has been bearing the the village constant bullshits and sexism with a bright smile.

Then one day, the Priestess of the dragon god, Satoru, came down from the mountain with a grieve news. She announced that the dragon god was angry with them and that only an untouched omega would appease his wrath.

Well, seeing as Yuuji was the only omega, they kidnapped the pinket from his home, bathed him and put him into a traditional wedding attire. He was then forcefully taken to Shoko, who was still waiting.

Confused, Yuuji asked what was going on. When given the news, he decided to go, even though Shoko told him he had a choice. Funny how that was ironic. If he didn't go, he might be killed by the villagers who knew that their deaths were pending if they didn't offer an omega.

With a soft smile and heavy heart, Yuuji covered his veil and followed after Shoko.

Yuuji was lead to a large beautiful room by Shoko and her handmaidens inside the great shrine of the god Satoru. It resembled a mansion than anything else. With his spine straight, he awaited the god whilst knelt on the soft bed.

Yuuji tried not to flinch when he saw the shadow of a great beast circling the room. He couldn't help but close his eyes, awaiting his death. He snapped his eyes open when he felt the palm of a human caressing his face.

Turned out that Satoru and Yuuji had met before. Three months ago, Satoru was in his human form and was badly injured. Yuuji and his grandfather took care of him. He suddenly disappeared leaving Yuuji to feel sad as he had started bonding with the Alpha.

Satoru explained that he came back to the village three days ago and was not pleased by what he saw. He wanted to strike the village down and take Yuuji away, but he knew that the knowledge that Satoru killed everyone will weigh heavy on him.

And so, the two fucked, consummating their new marriage.

Satoru took Yuuji slowly, showing the Omega the wonders of the flesh. He aimed at his prostate, drawing soft and loud moans from those cherry painted lips.

Two months later, Yuuji - who was knocked up - and Satoru got a surprised visit from Sukuna, Yuuji's twin brother, who was thought be be dead - drenched from head to toe in blood.

The Alpha was betrayed by his comards and was left for dead. He agreeded to be turned into a demon, filled with rage and thirst for revenge. At first he hunted those who wronged him and put them through untold tortures before killing them, then, as his blood thirst went down, he remembered that he had people waiting for him back home.

Sukuna made his way back home, only to find out that his grandfather was dead and the villagers gave out his little brother like some worthless trinket to some god. In his rage, he massacred everyone in the village. After that, he made his way up to the mountain, ready to claim his brother back. Sukuna didn't know if Yuuji was still alive or dead, but he made up his mind to go up to the shrine no matter what.

He was met with a knocked up Yuuji, who embraced him and cried on his chest, not caring about the blood. He wanted to take his baby brother from there, but he saw how Yuuji was happy there.

With hesitation, he let his brother and his mate be. He stayed a month or two there before heading back out, satisfied that his brother was in the hands of someone strong, even though the glass wearing buffoon behaved like a child sometimes.

Sukuna and Satoru were always at each other's throats and it was only Yuuji that could prevent them from going ape shit on themselves in a fight. Sukuna came back a week before Yuuji put to bed and he along with Satoru witnessed as the pinket give birth to twins: one with pink hair, the other with white.

The white haired babe was named after Satoru's friend,  Suguru, while his twin was named after Yuuji and Sukuna's grandfather, Wasuke.

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