Of Alphas & Babies

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A short headcanon filled with fluff and Yuuji trying so hard not to die from said fluff💖

Day 3 of Sukuita Week 2021. Prompts: Fluff || Marriage

Ryoumen Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji


Yuuji smiled at the cute sight before him, photographing every single detail into his memory. The Omega placed a hand on his chest whilst the other covered his mouth, holding in the squeal that threatened to leave his lips.

Ryoumen was asleep on the couch and their six month old son, Isamu, was also asleep on his large and broad chest. The baby with pink and red hair looked like a small doll whilst he drooled on his Papa, his arms and legs spread out on Ryoumen's chest. Ryoumen had a large hand under Isamu's diapered bottom, holding the child still and ensuring that he didn't tumble over and was safe.

The TV was on and it was set on a low volume, becoming a background noise in the room.

Yuuji slowly tip toed over to the pair, by-passing toys and disarrayed clean diapers and clothes. Seeing as Isamu was naked with only a diaper on and was being sustained by Ryoumen's body heat, it was obvious the baby struggled and fought against being worn anything, and Ryoumen just gave up.

Yuujj stopped before the couch and looked down at them with a warm smile. He softly carded his fingers through Isamu's hair, getting a cute coo and a smack of cute pink lips from the baby. Yuuji bit his bottom lip hard so as not to squeal. Internally, he was crying and squealing at how beautiful his child was.

He and Ryoumen really did put their all in making Isamu. Ryoumen especially. And they succeeded.

Isamu nuzzled against his Papa's naked and tattooed chest, making the large Alpha to grunt and subconsciously increase his grip and hold on their baby.

Yuuji felt an arrow go through his heart and he kind of died of cuteness overload internally.

With a wide grin, Yuuji leaned down and placed a kiss on Isamu's head, getting another coo from the half naked baby, before reaching over to his husband and lying a chaste kiss on his lips and then his forehead.

Damn, his boys were so cute

Silently, Yuuji picked up the remote from the floor and switched off the TV. He started cleaning up the room, being careful so as not to wake his two precious boys up. Unknowingly to him, a single red eye was watching him work.

My Jujutsu Kaisen Headcanons and Short PornsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon