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Ryoumen, who has grown bored of Hell and the constant screams from the forced residents, takes a trip to earth to take a vacation from his duties. After centuries of travel, he stumbles upon Yuuji, who grabs his interest without even trying. But unfortunately, it seems the Fates had other things planned.

Ryoumen Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji


Historical AU in which Ryoumen is Enma, the King of Hell, and Yuuji's a peasant in ancient Japan.

Ryoumen, who has grown bored of Hell and the constant screams from the forced residents, takes a trip to earth to take a vacation from his duties.

Donning on a human form, which still bore his tattoos, Ryoumen travels around the world, causing mayhem (of course) wherever he goes.

The god soon finds himself in Japan and a peasant by the name of Itadori Yuuji catches his eyes.

Yuuji lives on a hill deep in the woods in a run down hut. The boy  (because he doesn't look like he has entered adulthood yet) is a perfect ray of sunshine, treating Ryoumen, who arrives at the village in the middle of the night, to a bed (if you could call it that) and warm food.

Yuuji intrigues Ryoumen so much due to the fact that he houses a pure soul, as well as a tiny bit of what Ryoumen feels is demonic magic. He decides to stay with the boy, procuring a pouch of gold as rent for a stay in Yuuji's home. Of course Yuuji tries to refuse the money, but with just a cock of Ryoumen's eyebrow the boy hesitantly takes the gold.

Ryoumen follows Yuuji into town as the boy goes out to purchase new futons, as well as sleeping kimonos and food stuffs for Ryoumen's stay. The god notices the look everyone is sending at Yuuji - their eyes filled with fear, disgust and distrust.

Ryoumen KNOWS that it's because of his intimidating presence, all dressed in an expensive kimono with his crest on his back and his scowling face tattooed, that Yuuji wasn't cheated of all his gold. He has to step in once in a while to assist Yuuji when a trader becomes too much.

Due to his superior strength, Ryoumen easily carries Yuuji's luggage - not like the teen had any problem to begin with.

And thus begins Ryoumen's stay with the mortal boy. Yuuji brings him glorious entertainment, even going head to head with the god in a spar - albeit he has his powers sealed at the moment. 

As the days go by, Ryoumen finds himself baffled at the purity of Yuuji's soul. Even though he's treated as nothing but dirt, he still manages to keep his heart pure and bares no ill against the causes of his misery.

Ryoumen finds himself unknowingly falling in love with Yuuji and before he knows it, he's pulling the wide eyed boy into a possessive kiss one day.

That night, the god takes Yuuji on his futon, introducing the boy to the world of pleasure.

It's a peaceful life with Yuuji and Ryoumen never wants to leave it.

Due to the small pinket figuring it out that Ryoumen isn't human, the god sees no reason of hiding his magical status. Although he never tells Yuuji who he truly is, he still uses a little bit of magic before Yuuji. 

Ryoumen fixes up their home, getting a teary word of thanks from his lover. Now Yuuji doesn't have to worry about the cold of winter. Ryoumen provides for him, lavishing him with unneeded wealth. He and Yuuji would have left the village, but his little lover is attached to the place of his birth, even though he's unwelcomed. Even though his very presence is unwanted there, Yuuji chooses to stay.

The god doesn't understand the sentiment, but he doesn't push on the issue, satisfied with just relishing in the quiet activities of the woods with his head on Yuuji's laps, his little lover carding his fingers through Ryoumen's mane with a warm smile.

Ryoumen stays with Yuuji for seven years, watching how his lover turns into a beautiful man of twenty-two years. 

Ryoumen wanted to stay with Yuuji until his lover gets old and maybe then, he'd have the courage to ask the Yuuji if he wants to live with Ryoumen in the Underworld, but his servant, Uraume, brings news of unrest due to his centuries of absence. 

With a kiss goodbye and a promise to come back soon, Ryoumen hesitantly goes back to the Underworld, leaving Yuuji behind.

Time runs different in the Underworld. Before Ryoumen could even blink, a year would pass before he could see his lover. Every year, Ryoumen ensures that he's free on Yuuji's birthday. He showers the man with love and gift everytime he comes to stay with him for a day.

One certain year, Ryoumen couldn't make it, due to the irritation his council members are providing themselves to be, so he sends Uraume to take his gift to Yuuji and the message that he'd would coming the next day.

It doesn't even reach ten minutes after sending Uraume away that he feels Yuuji's life force suddenly dying out.

The god abruptly jumps up from his seat, alarming his council.

No... it couldn't be...

But unfortunately, it is.

Uraume appears seconds later with  a grave news.

Yuuji's dead.

Unable to believe it, REFUSING to believe it, Ryoumen teleports to the village in his four armed form, right where he last felt the sudden flare of Yuuji's soul.

In the hand of a mortal wielding a sword is the head of his lover, being carried by his hair. Yuuji's body laid some feet away from them, bleeding out onto the floor.

The villagers scream and scramble away at the sight of the god, their eyes wide with fear.

Ryoumen moves on autopilot and the god finds himself grabbing the mortal's head in one of his hand and crushing his skull effortlessly, splattering blood and brain matter on himself and on the floor. He catches Yuuji's head before it tumbles to the floor, gently holding it.

Even dead, Yuuji still looks beautiful. And peaceful. 

Ryoumen finds out whilst massacring everyone in the town like the god of Death that he is that Yuuji was killed due to a superstitious whim. It turns out that a plague was slowly ravaging the town and Yuuji, already not well like and looked on as a witch, was the unfortunate victim of their fear.

In the end, everyone in the town still died anyways.

Once there's no single living soul left in the burning town, Ryoumen walks over Uraume, who has Yuuji's body in their arms, wrapped in a beautiful, silk sheets they procured.

With Yuuji's body being carried by his lower set of arms, and Yuuji's head being held close to his chest, Ryoumen heads back to the Underworld with Uraume in tow.

Unfortunately, Ryoumen couldn't bring Yuuji back, seeing as his lover has already crossed to the other side and is awaiting his turn at reincarnation. That is if he decides on being reincarnated.

With nothing left of his lover, Ryoumen turns Yuuji's corpse into a beautiful statue, and could be seen gazing at it for centuries to come, a dead look in his eyes.

My Jujutsu Kaisen Headcanons and Short PornsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant