College Romance

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A short headcanon featuring Sukuna finally manning up and confessing his feelings❣

Ryoumen Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji


AU in which it took ten years for Sukuna to ask Yuuji, his best friend (even though he denied it vehemently) since childhood, out on a date. With an exasperated sigh and a soft smile that made Sukuna's heart beat fast in that strange way, Yuuji asked softly, "What took you so long?"

"I apologize. I mean, it's kind of difficult when you're sending mixed signals to me, gaki." Sukuna sassed with a deadpanned look, getting a fond eye roll from Yuuji.

Without further ado, Yuuji got on his toes, pulled Sukuna down with his shirt and took the Alpha's lips into a soft kiss.

Gasps and whispers from their course mates rang loudly, them being shocked by the scene.

The kiss was chaste at first, but Sukuna being Sukuna, took it to a whole new level. He grabbed Yuuji's plump ass - getting a muffled squeak from the Omega - and pressed him to his toned body, deepening the kiss.

Right in the middle of a crowded hall, Sukuna started devouring Yuuji's mouth, his tongue sweeping round Yuuji's delicious mouth. Sukuna's didn't show Shane in kneading Yuuji's ass like dough and rubbing his crotch against Yuuji.

Yuuji managed to separate his lips from Sukuna, taking in a deep breath. 

"Su- Sukuna~ Stop~" Yuuji protested, pushing at the Alpha's chest. Said Alpha just bent his upper body and buried his nose in the crook of Yuuji's neck. The Omega let out cute whimpers, his hands balled into fists in Sukuna's hoodie.

Sukuna, still fondling Yuuji's ass, his hands now miraculously inside Yuuji's pants, took in deep breaths of that honey and cinnamon scent he had always craved to bury his nose in. Now that he was close to his Omega's scent gland, he could perceive the hidden peach scent under there.

Gods above, he wanted to mark his Omega so badly.

"Sukuna kun!" 

Yuuji's yell brought him out of his Alpha riddled mind and he gained himself. Sukuna's Alpha red eyes went back to their deep, piercing blue.

Sukuna moved back a little, and the flushed, embarrassed and confused look on Yuuji's face had his already hard cock twitching in his pants. 

Goddamn, his Omega looked fuckable.

But the Alpha suddenly remembered that they had an audience and Sukuna couldn't stop the deep, possessive growl from leaving his lips on time. 

With a scowl on his face that put the fear of GOD into literally everybody present, the behemoth of a Alpha grabbed Yuuji and flung him onto his shoulder, getting an adorable squeak from his Omega, and marched out of there with Yuuji like a sack of potatoes.

One moment Yuuji found himself bring thrown - gently - into Sukuna's car, the next he found himself in an expensive hotel, on an expensive bed, getting his soul fucked out by Sukuna. Yuuji lost count of how many times Sukuna made him cum his brains out, making him to pass out from exhaustion and pleasure.

It pleased Sukuna a great deal when the two found out that Yuuji was pregnant. Of course his Omega was rightfully pissed off, showing his displeasure by punching Sukuna's smug face and breaking his nose, but Sukuna was still smug as hell.

Of course Wasuke was pissed as fuck, almost blowing Sukuna's head off with a shot gun if it weren't for Jin and Yuuji stopping the old man from unaliving Sukuna on the spot. Ryoumen, Sukuna's father, who was equally HUGE in size as well, just sat down and calmly sipped his tea with Yuuji's mother in the background while his son was almost made into a past sentence.

As tradition, Ryoumen paid Yuuji's dowry and together, he and Yuuji's family planned the wedding.

It was a small affair, quite and perfect. 

The two wedded a month into Yuuji's pregnancy under a large sakura tree, the beautiful pink petals from it and other surrounding trees raining down on them, creating a beautiful scenery.

Sukuna fell more in love when with his Omega Yuuji showed up in an Omegan styled Shirokakeshita. His Omega was beautiful, dare he say more than the gods and goddesses themselves.

The wedding went smoothly, as did the reception. By the end of the night, the two were exhausted to the bone. When they got to their assigned hotel, the two couldn't do anything but stay on the large balcony, refreshed and dressed in comfortable robes and gazed up at the night sky, their hands holding each other's, Yuuji's head on Sukuna's broad chest.

Five years later saw their sons, Satoru and Suguru, being banes of Sukuna's existence. The twins were major cockblocks, and Sukuna had lost count of how many times he almost cried when Yuuji left his horny ass with a major hard on to go attend to the demonic twins.

Wasuke, still a little bit pissed off by Sukuna's transgressions - better still, his whole entire being and existence in fact - will always whisper words of praise to said twins when they told their great grandfather, grandfathers and grandmother about their tales of tormenting their father whenever they visited.

Ryoumen just laughed or chuckled at his son's despair, encouraging his grand sons to do more.

Jin and Kaori would try to admonish them - the twins, Wasuke and Ryoumen - but they found it all amusing as well.

Sukuna just pouted in the background, and to ease him, Yuuji just pampered him with soft carrasses and warm kisses, carding his fingers gently in Sukuna's hair while the Alpha laid his head on Yuuji's large pecs - a look of pure amusement on the Omega's face as everyone ganged up on his husband.

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