I didn't realize it was so close to time to start boarding, although we still hadn't heard from Harry. I couldn't get on that train without him. We were waiting in line and it finally got time for us to start getting on but Harry wasn't there yet. I started letting people go in-front of me and stepped back. "Are you not going to get on dear?" I sighed. "I'm not going without him." She gave me a hug. "You have go with or without him you know," I shook my head, "If he can't go back I won't go back either, I won't let him be alone." She nodded and didn't say anything else. When I turned to look to see if he was coming I noticed Draco was standing close, he had heard everything I just said, I could see the sad look all over his face. I didn't have time to mention this to him. I felt so bad, he quickly turned away from me. I kept waiting Harry still hadn't came yet. I watched Draco get on, I could only imagine what he was thinking right now. There was still a lot of students who had to get on. I looked at the back and I could see Draco looking at me once he sat down. I didn't want to hurt him but I refused to leave Harry here by himself. The line kept getting shorter and finally I seen Harry coming, I practically ran to him. "How did it go?" I finally got out once I hugged him. "I can go back to Hogwarts." He was smiling so big. "Good cause I wasn't going without you." We got in the back of the line. Mrs.Weasley brought me my stuff and told us goodbye. "I hope no one stole our seats with Ron and Hermione." I said he laughed me either. He started looking down at something he was reading in the paper, I never even bothered to look at it, I really didn't care what they had to say about Harry or Dumbledore. I looked up to realize we were under Draco's window. He was smiling at me, I guess he realized I was getting on now and wasn't so upset I smiled back at him. We finally got on the train, and sat with Ron and Hermione. They were so relieved to see Harry. We finally took off and Harry started telling us what happened at his hearing. It wasn't long after that, that Harry and Ron passed out and Hermione was reading her book. I was actually pretty hungry so I decided to go look for the Trolly. I walked all the way to the end of our section asking everyone if they had been by some people acting as if they didn't want to talk to me. I was so tired by the time I got to the end there was an empty cart so I just went in there. I figured I'd make the long journey back to Harry and them when we got closer to Hogwarts. I sat down and started watching out the window, than I heard the cart door opening. I turned around to see Draco there which really surprised me how'd he know I was here? "Hey you," He said. "Are you stalking me now?" He closed the door and started laughing. Not exactly I saw you come in here cause the Slytherin carts are right through that door. I didn't even realize I had made it that far down the train. "Why are you by yourself?" I started laughing "I honestly was starving I came looking for that Trolly and couldn't find them and this cart was empty so I just sat down for a bit. He started laughing. "I thought you were coming down here to see your other boyfriend." I rolled me eyes. "Wow," he started laughing and pulled something out of his pocket. "Here you can have these." He sat down beside me I was so happy to not only see him but see something to eat. "Thank you, I literally haven't ate all day." He rolled his eyes. "Now why would you do that?" I didn't want to tell him the real reason was because I was worried about Harry. "I was honestly just really busy." I started eating and he just sat there looking at me. "What?" I asked finally. "You look so different than the last time I seen you." I got red. "Well, I'm not sure why but my body decided to go through a growth spurt over the summer I know I've gotten fat." He rolled his eyes. "You most definitely have not gotten fat." I sighed. "Okay whatever you say, so have changed in a good way or a bad way?" He raised my eyebrows at him. "Well, most definitely a good way." He laughed. I know what's changed but I was gonna see if he'd say it. "Well what's changed?" This made him turned red. Now I was laughing. "You've gotten taller," I said. He nodded "So you did notice." He added. "Yeah, and I'm assuming you've noticed my chest and hips have gotten bigger, that's why I was getting more skirts today." He laughed. "Well I wasn't going to say anything." I leaned over on his shoulder. "I wanted to see you so badly over the summer." He grabbed my hand. "Me too, I hated the way the school year ended last year we didn't even get to say goodbye." I faced him. "I'm sorry that was my fault" he shook is head. "No need to be sorry I get to see now." He grabbed my face and started to lean in for a kiss. "Wait, what if someone sees us?" He shrugged. "I honestly don't care." Our lips finally met. It was different when he kissed me not in a bad way but he was passionate about it like he was afraid I was going to go somewhere. He started to slide his hand down my side and to my waist to pull me closer. Which made me nervous, in a good way though. I could feel this like heat wave between us, I felt like this could be going somewhere that I wasn't ready for. Than he pulled me closer again, which cause me to moan a little into the kiss and I had never done that so pulled away. "Um, I don't know why I did that." I could feel my face was hot. "Your fine." I felt like I had made things awkward, I think he was wanting more and I wasn't ready for that. "Maybe I should go back to Harry and them." I started to get up and he grabbed my hand, "Why?" I got really nervous. "Did I do something wrong?" He looked confused. "No, of course not." I turned to face the door. "Kaylee..." I turned to him and I finally sat back down. "I'm sorry, I feel like I just made things awkward." I finally said. He furrowed his eyebrows, "Why do you think that?" I got really nervous again I didn't know how to put it into words and I also didn't want him to think I didn't want him or something. "I felt like that was getting intense and I ruined it." he still looked confused. "Look, I really like you but obviously, I'm not ready for anything more than kissing right now." That was so hard to get to come out for some reason. His eyes widen "Kaylee... no.... that is not what I was trying to do at all.... I've never even.... I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He felt so bad, now I felt bad cause he didn't make me feel that way. "No, trust me you didn't make feel uncomfortable." He hugged me. "I would never try to do something like that unless you were okay with it, and we were on the same page about it." I nodded. "Don't think you made me feel uncomfortable because you didn't at all I promise." He kissed me cheek. "I guess I got carried away it's just been so long since I've even seen your face." He smiled. He leaned against the wall and I leaned against his chest. We started talking about our summer and how it went. I didn't really have a lot to say since I couldn't even tell him about the last part however he had a lot to tell me. It was nice listening to all the things he got to do. He talked to me about it for a long time. Than he finally asked me, what I really didn't wanna talk about but I knew it was coming. "So how was it?... I mean obviously not good but the change." He seemed nervous to ask. "Well, it hurt a lot but when the worst pain started I blacked out so I didn't actually feel the rest, but I do feel a lot different like I just feel like I'm so filled with magic now." He nodded. "I was so worried I'm glad you didn't have to feel the worst part though." I agreed. "Me too... I'm glad you weren't there to see it." He sighed "I wanted to be there so badly." "Well I'm glad you weren't, but it's over now." I honestly didn't want this train ride to end we'd have to go back to keep everything secret. "I'm not looking forward to going to school." I said with an attitude. "Why's that?" I rolled my eyes. "Everyone's already being so rude to Harry some even to me, I can already tell how things are going to be." He didn't say anything. "Oh I forgot you don't believe me either." That came out with a lot more attitude than I intended it too. "Please, I don't wanna talk about this right now." I stood up. "Just say it, that you don't." I crossed my arms. "Kaylee...." I cut him off. "Why don't you believe me?" He started scratching his head as if he didn't even want this conversation to start. "It's just hard to believe without proof, Kaylee you weren't even there with him." I was getting annoyed. "I don't need "proof" my brother is proof enough he's different. He can't sleep, he's not okay. I should honestly be with him right now." I huffed. "I don't want this to come between us Kaylee." I grabbed my jacket. "Well I guess it already has." And I walked out without another word. I didn't like that he didn't believe me, I wanted to tell him so bad about Harry seeing his dad there but I couldn't do that. I know I just started a fight but right now I'm not going to put anyone before my brother not even Draco.

Hey guys <3 I'm trying to update as much as I can, I plan on giving you a Draco POV next, leave comments and let me know if you're enjoying this so far. This is the start of year 5 btw I'm sure y'all knew that though haha. I may not go exactly by the books or movies because I am adding Harry's twins so if things are different just go with it.

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