"Just until the renovation is done, please I don't have a lot of extra money, but I'll pay" Tohru finished off as Aika sat beside her, she looked over at the two boys.

"That's a dangerous spot. The cliff isn't too stable and there is creep around "Shigure stated in concern while both Aika and Yuki dumbfounded at him suddenly been serious.

"Not it's all right! I'm even used to the slugs!" Tohru shouted while Aika face grew more concerned "I promise, I've got the strength and willpower to see this through, so please just let me see this through-" Tohru began to shake.

"Honda?" Aika questioned before her eyes widened on seeing the girl fall, she rushed to her side, feeling her head while Yuki also sat beside her " she has a fever" Aika states.

"I'll go grab some ice to help cool her down a little" Shigure stated as he stood up and opened the kitchen door, Aika signed loudly "Though getting to it could take a while" He finishes.

"It's the toxic jungle" Tohru stated in shock while the other Sohma's simple signed together.

"Nice analogy" Shigure smiled before his face grew serious after a wolf has howled.

"See? What did i tell you? Part of the cliff has crumbled" Shigure finished as Aika signed glaring at the adult in frustration.

"How could you tell?" Tohru s questioned while Aika shuddered slightly though Shigure simple chuckled.

"Call it my animal instinct" Shigure stated while Aika eyes widened and glared at the man, Shigure smirking at the white-haired girl.

"Stop joking, do you know what part of the cliff collapsed?" Yuki questioned after he had gotten a first aid box out and Aika sat beside Tohru.

"How awful, surely it wasn't near my tent though" Tohru smiled while Aika nodded.

"Surely not!" Aika cheered while Tohru smiled back at her.

Aika dumbfounded as she looked at the pile of cliff and mod covering the tent, she looked back at Tohru sympathy filling her eyes.

"No! Mum's picture!" Tohru shouted running towards the pile of mood, Aika and Yuki's eyes widened "I have to get mum!" She shouted clawing at the mood.

"Calm down!" Aika shouted concern filling her face as she grabbed Tohru.

"But she's still in there!" Tohru shouted while Aika frowned before grabbing the girl and grabbed her hands.

"We can get her in the morning, together!" Aika smiled encouraging Tohru "What would your mum think if you get sick?" Aika question while Tohru's eyes brimmed with tears.

"Come and stay at our for the night" Shigure stated while Tohru smiled and nodded in thankfulness.

Aika stood at the door with a frown as she listened to Tohru telling Shigure the story of her mother and how she did not wish her 'see you later'. The white-haired girl frowned holding a hot water bottle.

"Aika?" A voice questioned as her eyes darted open as she met Yuki's concerning eyes. She flinched.

"Yuki" She smiled while the boy signed before making his way into the room the girl accompanying him.

"Surprising, she's so cheerful and upbeat at school. Always I would not of guess she's been through so much" Yuki stated while Aika frowned she looked the over way, not wanted them to see the frown.

"It's amazing " Yuki stated afterward, both Aika and Shigure looked at him in surprise.

"Amazing? How so?" Shigure asked as Aika moved so now she stood above Tohru her gaze falling onto the two boys.

"Take me and the Sohma's. I thought I had broken free of them, but I haven't really. Or I would have bought a tent like Miss Honda and gone somewhere they wouldn't find me" Yuki stated while Aika stiffened, she froze looking at the ground.

"I'm realising that I'm spoiled" Yuki stated while Aika simple continued to watch Tohru asleep in bed.

"That quite rude you know, calling her suffering 'amazing'" Shigure stated fanning his face while Aika messed with the hot water bottle.

"You're planning to dig up the land slide, aren't you?" Aika questioned as she saw Yuki making his way to the door "That dangerous to do Alone Yuki" She stated in panic and concern.

"Alone? I will have plenty of help. Don't worry about me" Yuki stated a purple glint in his eyes before the door opened revealing many different rats. Aika signed as she watched Yuki walk out.

"Uh. He is always like that isn't he. I think I'm going to go to bed" Shigure stated yawning loudly as he looked at Aika who rubbed Tohru's head.

"Good night" Shigure smiles before walking out the other door, Aika signed a frown on her face now as she looked at Tohru.

"I guess were the same then, hiding our real feelings behind a smile" Aika stated with a frown as she moved the hair out of Tohru's face.

"I wonder whose act will fall first?" She questioned.

"Do you enjoy doing housework? Cooking, cleaning?" Shigure voice ringed out as Aika walked down the stairs she signed loudly at seeing Tohru out of bed.

"Uh, Yes. I mean. It's kind of calming" Tohru stated in a flushed stated, Aika walked towards them.

"Shigure don't bombard her with questioned, she's still sick" Aika stated walking towards Tohru in concern as she placed a comforted hand on her shoulder.

"Are you feeling better Honda?" Aika questioned with a smile while Tohru flushed loudly at see the smile.

"Well, that's wonderful! Welcome home!" Shigure shouted with a smile while Aika glared at the man as he ignored her last statement.

"Honda, your room isn't quite air out. So, you should open a window" Aika smiled widely at the girl while Tohru simple looked back and forth in disbelief.

"I Can't!" Tohru shouted in protested while the Sohma's simple walked away "If i moved in here, I'd only be a burden on you!" Tohru finished in a flushed state.

"Miss Honda, we don't consider it a burden. So please just accept" Yuki smiled before turning away from her "Beside where else do you have to go?" Yuki finished with a questioned while Aika signed, looking towards Shigure after the two had walked away.

"Are you sure this is, okay? I mean I'm fine but will you two be?" Aika questioned while the man smirked widely and looked at her.

"As Yuki said it should be fine if she doesn't hug us" Shigure smiles though both their smiles suddenly disappeared as they heard a loud.


"I can guess who that is" Aika signed before she let out a wide smile for who is here.

"Is Kyo here?" Aika asked as she rushed up the stairs though her eyes widened as all she saw was a puff of orange spoke, she signed loudly "Nothing to worry about huh?" Aika asked looking at both Shigure and Yuki.

"Oh no! I am so sorry! Are you okay-" Tohru shouted but suddenly stopped as she picked up an orange cat?

"Stupid jerk"

"He was a boy... and now he's a cat?" Tohru said in shock while Aika simple sweat dropped at the situation "I landed on him wrong and somehow turned him into a cat..." Tohru finished.

"Well, this is awkward, the thing is..." Shigure tried to explain.

"We have to hurry!" Tohru suddenly shot up before a piece of wood magically hit her sending her into both Shigure and Yuki before puff of blue and green appeared.

"Oh no" Aika mumbled to herself as she now saw both a rat and a dog.

"How are we going to explain this?"

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