21• What do you want?

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🔹️🔹️Crystal Russell 🔹️🔹️

I sighed as I saw Hannah's name on the screen of my phone and answered it. "Hey." 

"Ijusttestedpositiveformypregnancy." She blabbered and I frowned. 



"Sorry, come again?" 

"Bitch, I just tested positive for my pregnancy." She said loud and clear this time. 

"WHAT!?" I shrieked in happiness and heard Adrien wince. 

"Girl, have you gone deaf or what? I said I ju-" 

"I heard what you said, Dumbelina. You're about to be a mother! And I'll be the godmother of the baby."

"Yess! I haven't told it to Ethan yet. I want to surprise him." 

"That's great. Best of luck. Tell me how he reacts." 

The wide grin on my face refused to fade away even after we hung up on the call. I looked beside me on the bed and saw Adrien already laid under the blanket, looking at me with a small smile. 

"Congratulations, godmother." I giggled when he said that. 

"Thank you." 


"Good Bye, Aunt. And please come here often. It was so much fun to have you here." I told Aunt Margaret as she was ready to leave. 

"I will definitely come again. Come here." She gave me a tight hug and walked out the door with Adrien who held her bag. He insisted on dropping her to the airport. 

While Adrien was gone, I decided to bring all my things back to my room, but I was held busy when Hannah called me to tell everyone's reaction to her pregnancy. I didn't realize how long we had been talking until Adrien was back. 

"Hey." I said in a low voice. My mood had suddenly soured and I was upset. After I hung up on the call with Hannah, I began packing my stuff. I went inside the closet and started putting some of my small things in a basket when Adrien followed me inside. 

"What are you doing?" He asked. 

"I need to go back to my room." I did not look at him and continued with my work. I felt his continuous stare at me, boring holes at my back. A few minutes of silence surrounded the room and the tension was as thick as a blanket. I just wished Adrien would leave me alone so I could breathe freely. 

But he didn't. Instead, he said something that made me stop what I was doing. 

"Stay here, Crystal." 

My limbs froze and slowly turned around, not sure if I had heard him right. I looked at him with a questioning look and he sighed, shoving his hands in his pocket. "I want you to keep staying with me in this room, Crystal. We have gotten pretty comfortable with each other, so I don't mind sharing the room with you. But if you have a problem, I-"

"You want me to continue staying in your room?" I interrupted him with a question. I wanted to make myself clear of what he meant. 

"In our room. Yes." He said confidently and the heavy feeling in my heart  immediately vanished. 

"But why?" I asked out of curiosity. "I mean, Aunt is gone and Lily knows the truth now. We don't have to pretend anymore." 

"Yes, we don't need to pretend in front of them. But I also cannot keep pretending like I don't like your presence." He said looking straight into my brown eyes and the butterflies that had made a home in my stomach began flying around altogether. 

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