Once they got down the first floor, they separated, expecting George to follow them,

"Guys, this way." George directed,

"The cafeterias this way? That way is longer." Karl stated confused on why the brunet suddenly wanted to go the other way,

"I don't give two shits, this way." George was being dominant now, it came out randomly and everyone seemed shocked so they complied and followed in confusion. Except Clay knew the exact reason, but he refrained from talking, scared he would give something away.

Immediately after they got out of the library, Sapnap asked,

"What was that about?"

"Nothing, forget about it. I was just trying to avoid someone." George laughed making it obvious he was lying,

"I know you're lying." Sapnap confronted him,

"I know you know I'm lying. I'm just not sure you wanna know the actual reason." He let out a chuckle,

"Oh trust me, I wanna know."

"No, no you really don't." George teased,

"Please," Karl added on, they were practically begging,

George thought about it for a few seconds before speaking. Instead of saying it straight up, he gave an obvious hint,

"You guys looked like little kids have their first kiss." George bursted out laughing while Karl and Sapnap slowly stopped walking, and looked each other dead in the eye with worry,

George looked behind him to see Sapnap and Karl just standing there, "Why do you guys look so worried." He asked,

"You weren't supposed to figure it out," Karl mumbled under his breath,

"Why not?"

"We just wanted it to stay secret," Karl replied vapidly,

"It's not like we're gonna tell anyone, your secrets safe with us. Right Clay?"

"Mhm, why wouldn't it be."

They both let out a sigh of relief, "Thanks." They continued to walk in a comfortable silence till they got to the cafeteria. They all got smoothies and went outside to sit on the grass and have a mini picnic.

George enjoyed it, and even if he didn't show it, he really appreciated his friends. He just didn't know how to output emotions. But that wasn't stopping him from having a good time.

*Later that night*

Everyone had fallen asleep besides George and Clay. It was around one in the morning and tomorrow was Monday. He wanted to do something fun, but it was one in the morning so there really wasn't much you could do.

He got his phone taken away once again tomorrow so he used it to his advantage. He had an idea,

Clubs near me, He hit search. An array of clubs and bars came up. Only problem, Clay. How would he convince him, Clay seemed as a goody-two-shoes. He said he played Minecraft for a living back home, while George was out at parties every other night.

"Clay," He whispered,

"Hm?" Clay whispered back, George went over to Clay's bed to make it easier to communicate,

"You wanna do something tonight?"

Clay checked the time on his phone, "It's one o'clock in the morning." He rubbed his eyes,

"So?" George didn't think there was a problem, "Cmon, please! It'll be fun." George pleaded he was trying to go out and have a good time,

Clay hesitated, "Fine," he finally gave in, "where though?"

"We're gonna sneak out—" Clay interrupted him,

"Sneak out?!" Clay asked in shock,

"Uh yeah? What'd you think we were gonna do, go to the library?" He mocked,

"No- but, how do you expect to sneak out?"

"I did this every other night at home, we'll be fine," George reassured confidently,

"I swear to god, if you get me in trouble, I'll-"

"You'll do what?" George interrupted him this time, looking him straight in the eyes.

Clay stared back without realizing, growing red after he realized how long he'd been looking into George's eyes,

"You seem to blush a lot, you have a medical
condition or something?" He sneered,

"Uh- no. Anyway," he avoided the subject, "yeah fine, we'll go out. But I interrupted you before you got to tell me where we were going."

"The club."



HELLO HI HEY :D again I'm so so so sorry for not writing, it's hard staying motivated right now, but I'm trying my hardest <3 I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter tho (:

anyway, have you ate today? if not go do, (please don't feel pressured though!) even if it's something small, I'm proud of you! if you cant eat right now, that's fine, I'm so proud of you for getting through the day. I know times are hard right now with school and stress but I promise you're never alone! remember if you ever need it, don't be afraid to message me. my favorite thing ever is making others feel better about themselves or just overall feel comfortable and better (: I know you can get through this, we'll get through it together! remember I'm always by your side and I love you! you're 100% valid and appreciated :D <3

have a good rest of your day/night!

(Please lmk if i forget abt TW's and don't be afraid to point out any typos!)

psithurism | DNFTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon