The Love Potion - Possession

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“I’m sorry but you’re out of time.” Sinus said.

The next thing I knew the world was spinning and the scenes around me bluring.


“You should know that Christina just came strolling through the underworld looking for Sinus.”

Zoë dropped the glass she was holding on the floor. “What.” She bellowed as she turned to address the person who had just spoken, it was Heron one of her ears in the underworld.

“Don’t worry I didn’t let her get to Sinus I pretended to be Sinus, but she was so close to finding him.” Heron answered.

“My god how did she get there.” Zoë asked baffled, Christina wasn’t a witch or a sorceress how did she know how to get there.

“That’s not important I came to tell you that you have a body without a soul, all you have to do is find Christina body, posses it and go find the Kevin boy, when you do you can persuade the boy to follow you wherever you want and then complete the spell, the girl can’t stop you because as at now she’s just a helpless spirit.”

Zoë smile was like a thousand diamonds sparkling, finally this would be over, “Where’s Christina’s body.”

The boy smiled and whispered the address, Zoë grinned and started shouting for her minions to follow her, together they stormed into Gloria house. Zoë bent over Christina’s sleeping body. She touched her body just to make sure the really was no soul in there.

“It’s empty.” She announced joyously, and quickly began the spell.

The next time Zoë’s eyes opened, she awoke in Christina’s body, she looked at herself in the mirror examining her new look, she frowned in disgust, she liked her body better, the only thing attractive about Christina was her eyes.

“Ok let’s go find the boy.”

Christina POV

When the spinning stopped I realized was back at Gloria house, I went towards the living room where my body was, so I could whisper the magic words and wake up, but when I got there the couch was empty.

“Where the hell is my body?” I yelled in panic, did I forget where I left my body because I was sure I was lying in the sofa when I drank the potion.

“What you did was a very idiotic thing Christina.”

I turned around and saw Gloria. “Oh my god Gloria.” I said.

She came towards me and stared at me, for a second I felt awful, she was probably hear to scream at me for getting her killed. “I’m sorry.” I mumbled.

“That’s not why I’m here, Gloria has taken over your body, she’s going to find Kevin and take him to the graveyard where she will perform the spell.”

“WHAT.” I roared. “Oh my god what should I do.’ I asked terrified, I didn’t want to be stick like this forever!! A helpless soul.

“You need to go the graveyard, when you get closer to your body it will begin to reject Zoë’s soul and you can re-claim your body.”

I nodded, oh god I can’t believe I had been so stupid to leave my body unprotected, I should have asked Brianna to help me.

“And Christina after you find get your body you must find your mother.” Gloria said.

Before I could ask her why she was gone. “Ghosts.” I swore they never stuck around to give you full answers.

It was strange but in my spirit form all the answers seem to pop in my head and I knew where to go, I also discovered I could float in the air so I floated as fast as I could towards the graveyard. The first thing I saw was hundreds of candles that had been lit all over the graveyard, and Zoë’s minions.

“Why are we here.” Kevin’s voice came suddenly.

“I found a way to end the spell once and for all.” I looked at my body which talking and holding Kevin’s hands; my god is that my how my hair looks like from the back. I stared in disgust.

“Ok.” Kevin replied.

Kevin’s voice made me realize why I was here. “Zoë GIVE ME MY BODY BACK.’ I screamed.

She heard me and stared right at me with a devious grin on her face.

“Come and get It.” she yelled back.

“Christina what is the matter with you.” Kevin asked, he was unaware of what was going on.

Several things happed at that moment, all the candles which had been lit went out suddenly, and I found myself been thrown in the air towards my body which Zoë was possessing, I closed my eyes as  I realized I was going to collide with my body.

I landed on the ground on something very soft. “urgh.” I swore, my eyes were still closed.

“Christina this is wonderful but weird.” Kevin muttered in my ears.

I opened my eyes to find him smiling at me and me lying on top of him. And I was in my body.

“I got my body back.” I told him in an ecstatic voice, he just stared at me as if I was crazy.

“ok.” He said unsure of what else to add to it.

I got up from my feet and helped him up, when we turned around Zoë and her minions were gone, in place was an old man about sixty years of age, he limped forward and touched Kevin’s head and muttered. Reversa.

Kevin’s eyes seemed to roll in its socket, he fell to the ground and started shaking, it was like he was having a seizure.

“What did you do to him” I yelled at the old man.

“Watch your mouth young lady I just saved you from Zoë.” He snapped at us. “And I undid the spell Zoë put on him”

“Oh so it’s over then.” I asked grinning; Zoë would have no reason to come after us now.

“What I said was I undid the spell Zoë put on him not the one you put on him with your love potion.” He answered.

“Oh.” The smile fell from my face, so it wasn’t over. “Why did you save us?”I asked curious.

“I didn’t save you I just didn’t want Zoë to have you; I want you all for myself.” He smiled at me and touched my head before I could make a move or speak. I fell to the ground; I saw the sky spinning or was I the one spinning.

“Pick them up, Zoë will be back soon.” I heard the old man say.

I felt my body been lifted up, I wanted to fight but my body had gone limp and I couldn’t move, god please save us, my last thoughts before my eyes closed was I hoped this wasn’t the last time I saw anything alive, because I was afraid the next time my eyes opened I would be dead.

                               To be continued………………………………………..

So I’ve made myself a promise, I am going to upload everyday so I can finish this story quickly and start a new one, I just hope I don’t get lazy or get the infamous writers block!!!!

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