"C-can we watch some other movie?" I asked, praying to the lord that he would agree.

"Why? We already have tickets for the movie." He shrugged and I cursed under my breath.

"I am sure you won't have a problem getting another pair of tickets." I gave him a tight-lipped smile and he frowned lightly.

"No. But I want to watch this movie. I saw the trailer, it looked pretty good."

"But I don't want to." I yelled in frustration and he hissed again, pressing his hand to his ear. I bit my tongue and looked in the front.

"Why not? Don't tell me you are scared." He chuckled and I immediately retorted back.

"No, I'm not!" He turned to look at me in amusement then looked back on the road. "I just- don't like them." I muttered.

"Because you are scared." I chuckled again, this time making me glare at him.

"They disgust me." I said and he frowned with a tiny smirk. "Why would Aunt Margaret decide to give us tickets to a horror movie for a date." I groaned. It was a ridiculous idea. Dates are supposed to be romantic or at least enjoyable. Not to ruin someone's day.

"That's who Margaret George is. She does the most unexpected things at the most unexpected moments. That's why she is my favourite." Adrien giggled. I too wanted to but the horror in my mind didn't let me.

"If you are scared, we can watch something else." I looked at him, pleased with his concern for me. But that annoying mustard had a sly smirk on his face. He was teasing me. I huffed in annoyance and closed my eyes.

It's been 7 years since that incident. I am much bolder and stronger now. I fought my way through a gang of goons, what can a stupid horror movie do? Maybe it won't scare me as much I think. Besides, my ego was too big to admit to Adrien that I was actually scared.

I took a deep breath. "I am not scared. Let's watch it." The determination in my voice sounded problematic to me.

"Sure?" He glanced at me and before my mind would have any second thoughts, I agreed sternly. "Yes."


It's okay. It's just a movie. It's not real. You're strong enough, Crystal. It's okay...

I've been chanting this continuously for the past thirty minutes. That is, from when the movie began. It was The Conjuring 3 that we were watching. Adrien sat on my right while we both enjoyed the movie. Note the sarcasm.

I was munching on my tomato popcorn when a scene in which a young boy, who was on top of a tree, trying to cut a branch sees something weird through a window in a house. I flinched hard when he absentmindedly mishandled the electric wood cutter and it almost had him sliced.

In fear, my right hand landed on the arm rest and I gripped it tightly. I realized that it wasn't an arm rest but Adrien's arm after all when he turned his hand and laced his fingers with mine. I was aware of the movements but did not react as I was focused on the movie.

Why? you ask.

Because One, I had to show Adrien that I ain't a scaredy cat like he claimed me to be.

And Two, I was insanely curious about the movie.

I felt his constant glances at me. I tried to keep an unbothered face but I knew I was failing.

A few minutes later, there was one scene in the movie where the same boy was alone in the large house. He noticed a weird black hole in one of the walls. And just like every stupid character of a horror movie would do, he peeped into that creepy hole. I squinted my eyes, knowing there was something terrifying coming up but to my surprise, nothing did.

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