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Hello readers!
I am Swati,before you begin this story just want let you know..this is a fictional story! And I hope you like it.

Love from Uttarakhand!


Emmanuel's pov

2020 March
Dehradun, Uttarakhand.

The night had fallen and, I wouldn't had realize that until I looked outside the window for few seconds. Another day has gone and yet we haven't found the cure for this contagious (corona) virus.

As soon as I was going to remove my mask and get changed into my normal clothes, my pager beeped in my pocket.

I rushed to the emergency ward and noticed so many patients being brought in by the paramedics.

"How did it happen?" I asked while I examined the first patient's second degree burns.

"The fire broke out in the building and we all were stuck there.." he began to tell with anxious voice as he shivered like he was still reliving it.

I tabbed his shoulder reassuringly and he looked at me with tears in his eyes, now that I looked through his chart attach to his bed—it indicated his age—he's only 17.
I sighed inaudibly distressed as I looked across the room and noticed there are still 11 patient who needs to be examine ASAP.

And what worse, is that we only have 5 doctors today as most of them are gone to Delhi and Mumbai as the Covid cases are rising there in last 5 days.

I took a deep breath and started to examine each and every patient , as I was almost done I noticed Doctor Rajshri approaching the next patient.

"I am sorry..I couldn't come early—I was stuck in the covid ward..there are so many people—

"Where is Doctor Singh?" I asked as I finished examining the last patient.

"Umm..don't know...he left awhile ago.."

'He left!' I felt my jaw tightened.
'I mean how can he leave when we need him the most here!'

"Doctor...there's another patient...please hurry!"

"Oh my god!"  Doctor Rajshri exclaimed in shock when she saw a girl lying on the stretcher unconscious, her clothes were soiled and there were burning marks on her both arms.
My heart sank and an unknown emotion took over my senses for a moment. I immediately checked her oxygen level and it was below 65.

We rushed her to the ICU.

After five hrs she was stabilized and we moved her to a general ward.

Two days later

The hospital staff were notified that we had to provide more place for covid infected patients than those who were not infected. And to do this we had to put huge transparent plastic curtains in every room where Covid infected patients were admitted.

I was appointed in the covid ward along the side with Doctor Bisht and Doctor Dhiman.
Even with hectic schedules somehow my memories were haunted with the memories of the girl from yesterday. Her burnt arms, her face smeared with ashes and her soiled cloths. Everything about her made me something..something that I couldn't explain but feel deep into my heart. A restless feeling.

Vaidehi's pov

I opened my eyes and blinked slowly. As everything came in focus I looked around me and noticed a middle aged man in a white coat, holding a file in his hand while he was going through it with a serious look on his face.

" are awake." He says as he noticed me looking at him or rather staring at him.

"Y-yes.." I tried to get up but He gestured me stay as I was.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Better.." I said.

"Good..your vitals looks fine, but we still need to keep you under observation for another 24 hrs."He said.

"Okay doc." I nodded.

"Alright then. The nurse will be here with your meds." He said before going.


Almost 12 hrs later a nurse came in my room with my phone in her hand.

"I think this is yours?" She handed me the phone.

"Thanks." I said.

I looked through it and noticed my cousin, Meera had called me 80 times and left 30 msgs.

I frantically called her back.

"Hello Meera?"

"Vaidehi!—where—  her voice suddenly cut off.
I stood near the window for the network but it didn't work.

I slowly walked outside the room and noticed no one was there. I stopped when I finally found the network coverage.

"CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?!" I asked loudly.

"Yes!"  Meera replied. "How are you? I heard about the incident in the news.."

"Oh..I am fine but they have kept me under observation. I'll be back tomorrow." I said.

"How will you come back to Mussoorie ? There's country wide lockdown starting tomorrow and no one is allowed to go out for another 21 days unless it's an emergency?" She said.

"WHAT?!" I spoke so loudly that I am sure everyone in this hospital has heard me.

"Hey!! This is a hospital don't are disturbing the patients here....go to your room!" I heard a stern voice in a most irritating tone.

Emmanuel's pov

"I-I am sorry, sir... I was.." She looked nervous as she stammered.

"What are you doing here?" I asked clearing my throat and walked a little closer toward her but keeping the social distance between us.

"I w-was talking to my cousin..." she replied, nervously clutching side of the hospital gown she was wearing.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes!" She replied immediately.

I glanced her arms that were bandaged loosely.

"Nurse!" I called.

"Yes Doctor.."
"Can please do her bandages properly and make sure she doesn't come to this area." I paused glancing at her wounds. "It's dangerous..."

"Of course doctor... come with Miss Rana." The nurse led her to her room.

To be continued....

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