Chapter 36: Dragon Hunter

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Acnologia: I won't. I won't be forgiven. Even if I wanted too I killed too many dragons and humans.

He stares at his hands.

Acnologia: I told those two that there hands had the trail of years worth of blood. But I'm no different.

Once again Anna reaches for his hand. Her smaller hand very visible to Acnologia.

Anna: Everyone has things they regretted. You're no different. Even I have things I regret.

Acnologia: Like not being there to save Igneel and Grandine?

Anna: Yeah. But with every regret there's always a chance of redemption. You're still not too late.

Acnologia closes his eyes as he remembers the soft touch of a woman. The wonderful fragrance of one, and the soft and gentle voice. He opens his eyes again letting go of her hand and stands up.

Acnologia: I...You were one of the few people who I trusted. I do apologize for being selfish and keeping you locked in with me. You are right. I ended up becoming the thing I swore to kill and there's no turning back. My hands are stained with blood of others like Igneel.

He has a small flash back of him killing Atlas and feeling bad about it.

Acnologia: I killed a father. Now his wife is left as a widow, and her daughter will grow up with no one to guide her, and teach her about the outside world. Because of those sins, I cannot be forgiven...

Anna: But...

Acnologia: This country changed due to me. Millions of more lives have been lost because someone was trying to save the person they loved. Because of that I'm not aloud to be forgiven. I know you wish things could've been different and so do I. Unfortunately my destiny has been carved and I have no other choice but to follow it. If Igneel's child defeats me in battle, and decides to kill me, I will gladly accept my fate. But if he fails. I will continue my hunt for the remaining dragons in this world and kill them all.

He stands up and begins to go towards the opposite side of the building getting ready to leave.

Anna: Acnologia!

He stops hearing his old friends voice but doesn't turn around.

Anna: He won't fail.

He smiles. He's glad he wasn't facing Anna because she would had probably teased him for it.

Acnologia: what makes you so sure he won't fail?

Anna: I know he won't.

Acnologia: huma-Anna Heartfilia.

Anna: What is it?

Acnologia: You scolded me for not leaving the past behind me. But I have something I want to tell you.

Anna: What?

Acnologia: Take your own advice. Leave your past behind you. Every regret has a chance of redemption. You left your comfortable home, to come talk to me. Well. Kyoto is not far from here. Go reunite yourself with your family.

Her eyes widen after hearing Acnologia say this. After a few seconds she goes back to normal, and Acnologia continued his walk.

Anna: Will I see you again?

Acnologia: Probably not..

Anna: I see...

Acnologia: Like I said. Go reunite with your family, and stop worrying about me.

He turns his head a little seeing her looking down.

Acnologia: Don't worry. I'm sure we'll see each other soon, Dragon Guardian.

Demon Dragons Reign IINơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ