Heck no!

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Chapter 34
Dallas' Pov.
Austin is very upset so I took him out of the hostipal

"Thanks Dallas" said austin

"For what"i asked

"For being for Becky and take of her when I was a jerk to her" said austin

"Dude that's what friends are for"i said

Austin started crying "I can't lose her Dallas if I do I don't know what would I do" he said

"Everything is going to be alright " I said

"And if it's not, and Becky dies because of me" he said

And we stay in silence

Rydels Pov.
"I feel really bad for austin" I said

"I know we all do" said Riker

Just then I saw Camila walking in the hospital

"Oh heck no" I said

"What's wrong" Riker asked me

"Look!" I said

I slowly moving his head toword were Camila was then she glare at us and laugh

"Riker I'm going to hurt her" I said

Calm down" Riker said to me


Camila slowly walks up to us I was about to attack but Riker was holding me back

"Hello losers" Camila said

What do you want" I asked mad

"Oh nothing just checking if your friend died yet" Camila said

"You bitch" I said

"Rydel watch your mouth" aunt Michelle said

Then Camila whispered in my ear

"She not going to survive because if she do Brooke will come back" she said

"Why do you care whore" I said

"I'm just saying" she said then laugh

I turned to Riker and looked to him in his eyes

"What are we going to do" I asked

"It's going to be okay" rydel he said

Then the doctor came out and walked straight to mr. Gomez I went outside to get austin and Dallas and we quickly walked in the hospital

Mr.Gomez the surgery was a .......

(A/N I promise I will make the last chapter long okay? Send me a comment to know that it is okay)

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